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"Wake up," she shook me.

I opened my eyes, Cielo shaking me with an annoyed expression. "Mommy, wake up. We need to go."

"Why," I slowly lifted my body up, throwing off my covers and finding myself naked. "Sorry baby," I covered up my body, patiently waiting for Cielo to explain things as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"We just need to," she pouted, holding one of her toys in her hand.

"Mommy has to get dressed first," I sighed.

"Then get-

-dressed, Ms. Kelley," Madame Michel woke me.

"What's going on?" I groaned, dressed in my sleeping clothes and getting out of the bed quicker than I had in my dream.

"Someone tried to take Cielo from her room," she told me, urgency in her eyes.

"I kicked the girl in the eye and, um, called the cops. For some reason when I called 911, it sent other people here. It's like the house phone had been routed to avoid 911. I wouldn't let them come inside because they obviously weren't the police. They're waiting in their cars outside the villa. The lead man claims that he knows you," she explained.

"Goes by the name Gator?" I asked, rushing to put on some clothes. Fuck fashion today, I just needed to be decent.

"Yes," Madame Michel answered hesitantly.

"Where's Cielo? Is anybody hurt? Anything broken in the villa?" I asked quickly.

"Cielo's in the kitchen with Adore. I freaked out and she helped calm me down. Cielo had a meltdown, so Adore helped on that front too," the nanny informed me.

"Take me to Cielo first and let Gator in."

"They, um, have guns, Ms. Kelley."

I held the doorframe with one hand, glancing back at the nanny still trembling besides my bed. "I know, Madame Michel, I know."

I went to find Cielo, my heart racing too fast until I saw her precious face in the flesh. Dried snot and puffy eyes met me as she clutched onto Adore's leg, her eyes widened in shock.

"I'm so sorry all of this is happening, Cielo."

She ran from Adore's leg to mine.

"I'm supposed to protect you and all the worst shit in the world is happening to you," I whispered.

"Who are those men?" Adore asked, breathless as Gator and his guys entered the house, guns on their shoulders.

"Some friends of mine," I answered darkly, turning Cielo out of their view and leading her to my other living room.

I sat her on my lap, watching as she closed her eyes.

In my opinion, you're failing as heir if you can't keep some silly man from shooting at you. Yeah, I heard. What type of Kelley runs in the trees and hides?

Well, this Kelley isn't hiding anymore, Dad.

I looked down at Cielo's face, taking in her gentler breathing. The way she relaxed in my arms, although she never does when she's awake.

I'm gonna find this snake...and the trap I lay starts with a simple mouse.

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