chapter 8- Disaster

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Walking into the kitchen, I slip, hitting a pan and causing it to reverb against the ground. Groaning, I stand again, but grab onto a loose wire, pulling the toaster down with me.

I stand and push all my hair back, puffing with anger. I reach for the top shelf, but pull it off it's hinges, falling backwards.

"Oh, come on!" I yell, standing and slamming the cupboard door on the counter.

Looking around the kitchen, Vision walks in.


"Hello. Would you like some assistance?"


He picks up the pan, and I push the toaster back into it place, plugging it in.

"We doing anything today?" I ask, fixing the cupboard door back into its place.

"There is nothing on the agenda. But, would you like to help me cook something today?" He asks.

"Okay. I free anyway," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

I look up a recipe, and find paprikash. Smiling, I show Vision, and he smiles, nodding.

"Okay, first...-"

"Wait!" I call, then run to the living room, searching around.

I find Tony's IPad, going on camera. I quickly put it on the counter, then turn to Vision.

A few minutes of explaining, and I press play.

"Hello. Welcome to Vision and Y/n's cooking show. Was that alright?"

"Yes. Camera is still rolling," I say, gesturing to it.

"Right. Today, we are going to be making paprikash. I will not be eating, as I am a synthetic being. Y/n will be the taste tester."

"First, heat lard in heavy pot and brown chicken all sides," I read, looking at my phone.

Vision does what I read, then turns to the camera, smiling. He turns to me, who he sees looking at him weird.

"I have decided to be more camera friendly." I nod my head, then continue reading on.

"In same oil, add onions and fry until golden brown. Add garlic, tomatoes, pepper. Fry 2-3 minutes."


I walk over to Vision, who is sitting on the sofa and reading a book. Carrying the IPad, I direct it to Vision's face, but he frowns.

"Who is checking on the paprikash?"

"I put on simmer," I say, smiling at him.

I then smell smoke, and run to the kitchen, the entire pot on fire.

"Shit shit, shit, shit, shit!" I croak, coughing.

I give Vision the IPad and try grabbing the pan, but my hand burns, making me quickly pull back.

"No, no, no!"

Smoke fills the kitchen and I try to swat it away, but it doesn't work.

"I am going to try something," Vision says, holding his arm out to keep me back.

He shoots a beam from the Mind Stone at the pot, creating a giant explosion. I quickly hide behind him as he holds onto me.

I look back at the pot, and the counter is now on fire.

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