Chapter 7: Feelings

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 I pulled into Mrs. Henderson's driveway and sighed. I really didn't want to see Dustin right now. He was going to freak out when he saw me. I'd have to talk to him about me and Eddie. Too many people already know. I only told Will cause I know he can keep a secret. But Dustin sometimes could talk too much and say something he wasn't supposed to say. 

 I knocked on their door and waited. Dustin opened the door and stared at me for a second. "Hey," I said breaking our silence. Dustin nodded and let me in. "Oh hi, Steve! Dinner will be done in a bit" Mrs. Henderson called from the kitchen. "Thank you Mrs. Henderon" I called back. 

 "We need to talk," I said. "Yeah, I figured," Dustin said then led me to his room. He shut the door behind him and sat down at his desk. "Go ahead," He said waiting for me to start. "Look I'm sorry for threatening you. That was a bit far" I said as I began to pace the floor in front of him. "I don't exactly know what's wrong with me right now and why I like Eddie, but I do and I can't control it," I said. "So are you gay?" Dustin asked. I sighed and stopped pacing for a second. "Maybe? I don't know!" I half yelled and started pacing again. 

 "We just started talking and one thing left to another and then at school he did all that and we've hung out almost every day for like 3 or 4 days and-" I cut myself off and stood in front of Dustin. "Are you just going to just sit there and not say anything?!" I asked. "What the hell do you want me to say, Steve?" Dustin yelled. 'I don't know!" I said. "I was in shock ok? So I ran cause I thought you would beat the shit out of me! I wasn't going to tell anyone. I'm not a dumbass!" Dustin said. Why would I want to beat Dustin up for something like that? I mean I did threaten to punch his teeth out which I'll admit was a bit far. "I'm sorry," I said after a minute.  "It's fine. Just never threaten my teeth. I've worked too hard for these babies" Dustin said flashing his gapped teeth. It was sweet that he was trying to lighten the mood.

 "Time for dinner boys!" Mrs. Henderson called. I pat Dustin's back and followed him out of his room and into the dining room.

 I followed my routine of eating with Henderson and giving Max some food. Instead of going home, I decided to walk over to Eddie's from Max's trailer. I hesitantly knocked on his and almost immediately the door swung open. Eddie stood in the doorway and smiled when he recognized me. "Did you talk to Henderson?" he asked. I nodded. "So he knows?" Eddie asked. "Yeah, I explained everything to him" I assured. "Not too into detail right?" Eddie joked. 'Shut the hell up Munson" I laughed. "You want to come in?" Eddie asked. I remembered that I was still wearing Eddie's Hellfire Club t-shirt that I needed to give back. "Sure," I said walking in. 

 "Do you want a water or a beer or something?" Eddie asked. I shook my head. Eddie nodded and grabbed my hand to lead me to his room. I sat down on his bed and watched him as he grabbed a blanket off his floor. I hadn't realized it before but his room smelled heavily of weed. I can't believe I didn't notice it before. 

 Eddie draped the blanket over my shoulders the laid down with his head in my lap. "I'm sorry by the way," Eddie said. "What do you mean?" I asked. Eddie sighed as I began to play with his curls. "I should have done a better check of the bathroom and locked the door, but I just forgot," he said. He seemed really embarrassed and wasn't making eye contact with me. "Eddie it's fine. Dustin was just shocked and he wasn't mad. So everything's fine. I promise" I said lifting his head a little so he'd make eye contact with me. I could see Eddie's cheeks turn slightly pink. "I'm still sorry" Eddie shrugged. "But there's nothing to be sorry about" I argued. "let me feel my feeling Harrington!" Eddie half yelled. We both laughed.

 I continued to play with his curls. I've learned that Eddie doesn't like people playing with his hair but still lets me. It was kind of sweet. After a few minutes, I started hearing gentle snores coming from Eddie. I was surprised he could fall asleep so fast. I stayed up a little though. 

 That thing Will had told me on Saturday. The "Bisexual" thing where you can like both guys and girls. That still was a weird concept. I thought that girls could like girls and boys could like boys. Both still didn't seem like an option, but I still like girls and Eddie was a boy. That didn't make sense. I know I don't just like guys. Maybe I am bisexual?

 Before I could think anymore I fell asleep with Eddie still in my lap.

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