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The next morning, I heard loud annoying squeaky little voices. I threw my pillow over my head to make them go away but it was no use.

I opened my eyes a little and saw a little person with a tiny bonnet on sitting beside me.
"Ugh.." I groaned. "Wait, hey excuse me I think you're in the wrong.."
Aiko giggled and kissed me on my nose. My god, she was the sweetest.

"Hii mama!" I smiled and set her on my lap. "How did you.."
"I brought her here." Lamelo said. He was on the edge of the bed. It seemed like he was waiting for me.
"Why are you here?" I asked. "You want nothing to do with me right? And we only communicate about Aiko over text right?"
"Maybe I was somewhat harsh.." Lamelo rubbed the back of his neck.
"Oh really?" I said sarcastically. "Damn I didn't even notice."
"Don't make me change my mind." He warned. "She can spend the rest of the weekend with you and I'll come get her Monday Night."
"Okay.." I said quietly.

"Can you get ready, please?" He asked me. "I've made the three of us a reservation for brunch with my family."
"With your family?" I narrowed my eyes. "Fuck it. I'm not going."
"You know why Lamelo!" I snapped. "Now that we're broken up everyone's gonna have their stupid opinions and attack me!"

"I won't let it happen this time." Lamelo said. "Can you just cooperate?"
"I've retired from the battlefield Lamelo. I turned n my gear and guns, I'm not going through all this again."
"Please, Ronnie." He said. "Just one more favor for me and I'll never bug you again."
"That's pretty hard to believe, but fine I'll go." I sighed.

I handed Aiko to Lamelo and went to go shower and get dressed.
I put on a nice jumpsuit and a cute long cardigan to go over it.
"See?" I showed him. "I'm not dressed like a slut this time."
"I could care less." He shrugged. "It's not like you're My girl or anything."
Damn. That one kinda hurt, coming from him. I tried to stand tall so he wouldn't know he crushed my ego and some of my heart too, not like he already didn't damage it from yesterday.

We all loaded in the car and were on our way.
I scrolled through Pinterest and got a message from Ja.


Ja: Hey Ronnie, I hope you're having a good morning. I wanted to take the time to apologize about the kiss yesterday, it was completely out of character and I hope you could find it in your heart to forgive me. Text me back when you can!

I smiled at the message then quickly went back to a straight face so Lamelo wouldn't say something petty. I texted Ja back telling him it was okay and everything was fine. He was such a gentleman. Any other guy would never apologize for something like that. They'd just assume the girl liked it.

"How sweet.." I said quietly.
"What's so sweet?" Lamelo raised his eyebrows at me.
"Hmm I don't know." I shrugged. "I would tell you but you could care less, you're not my man."
Yeah, you tell him bitch. I know it might seem cringe but yes, saying it in real time made me feel so much better. Just let me have my moment okay?

"Touché." Lamelo nodded.
We finally arrived at the place and booked a private dining area in the restaurant.
And as Lamelo said, the family was there.
"Ronnie..Hi!" Tina smiled and hugged me softly.
She pointed at Aiko and smiled. "Beautiful!.."
Since Tina had her stroke, it's been hard for her to speak but she was progressing very well. She's say few words sometimes, but could speak a couple full sentences.

We all sat down and I was surprised to see Lavar wasn't there. "Where's Lavar?" I asked.
"He's out in LA working on the Brand." Gelo responded. "By the way are you two okay?"

I looked down at my feet and then looked up slowly at Lamelo.
"Yes..but no." Lamelo said. "We're not together be we cool."
"Again?" Gelo smacked his palm to his face.
"Cmon G.." I said. "Don't say it like it's a regular thing!"
"That's exact what it is!" He said. "Listen I love you both but y'all are either in or out, you got engaged and now y'all doing this make up to break up shit...y'all gotta grow up."

"Why are you so invested Nigga?" Lamelo sipped on his drink.
"I'm just giving advice.." Gelo said. "I've been there before."
"You both.." Tina spoke up. "Stop....it."
"Sorry mom." Lamelo and Gelo both said in unison.

"It's not like they're unhappy G." Lonzo said. "I've heard Ronnie is getting nice and cozy with Ja." He gave me a smirk.
At that moment I wanted to jump over the table and make Lonzo our main course. He knows that ja is just someone to talk to when I'm down. Obviously Ja is the help and not what he thinks.

"Lonzo I think you might have misheard." I said sharply.
"Did he though?" Lamelo asked. "It's not surprising that you're hoeing around already."
"Oh I'm sorry Ronnie, was that information private? My bad." Lonzo shrugged.
"Can someone fill a nigga in?" Gelo said. "No homo."

"All of you shut the fuck up!" I yelled. "I'm not fucking him! Can't a girl talk to someone just as a guy friend without it being hoeing? I mean you guys do it all the time and nobody says shit! I'm sick and tired of your little smart ass comments Lamelo! You're the one who wanted to see other people right? Well I can have friends! Girls or boys! Shot doesn't matter! You.."
"Yea I said that but I ain't mean be a thot the day aft.."

"..I'm not finished!" I continued. "You put on this I don't give a fuck image and wanna be mr don't trust bitches so bad, fine do that! I've tried with you these past couple of weeks but all you ever did was explode over dumb shit! And Lonzo, you know exactly what you're doing! You're a fucking teapot! All you do is start unnecessary drama and it's pissing me off! Don't try to act like you don't because you do! I need a break from you two! Don't text, don't call, don't even try to console me! If you want to talk about our Daughter Lamelo, fine! Other than that, I don't wanna hear from your ass!"

I grabbed Aiko and all my things and stormed out the restaurant.
Before I could get in the car I heard footsteps after me.
"Don't fucking touch me Lamelo!" I yelled.
I turned around to see Tina with a sad face staring at the ground.
"I..I'm so sorry, Tina I thought..."
"Child.." she put her hand on my shoulder. "Do not...waste time.....do what you...Love."
I nodded and put Aiko down as she clung onto my leg.
"I am not...angry with you. You deserve...Love...do as you....please...but work things out.....with..Melo."
I nodded slowly. I felt bad for Tina. I shouldn't have blew up at the table in front of her. I know she just had a stroke and she can't have too much excitement around her.

I got in my car and drove away. I needed to talk to someone, and I knew exactly who.
I put my phone on speaker and was accompanied by a sweet voice.
"Well, Good afternoon." Ja said.
"Good afternoon Ja." I said. "If you would not mind can i FaceTime you as soon as I get home?"
"I have all the time in the world for you." He said sweetly.
"Thanks!" I said gladly.

Ja was just my therapist and therapist only. Nothing serious. But the way he spoke to me in such a respectful manner turned me on. His parents raised him damn right! He is pretty good looking too..

Wait, stop.
Don't repeat the pattern. He is just a friend.

Just a Therapist, Just a friend.

The Escort 2 (A Lamelo Ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now