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I walked into the bedroom quietly and sat on the bed.
Ja trailed behind me and came to my side. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"How do I know you're not lying to me?" I asked. "Lamelo looked pretty innocent."
"Come on, with the history you and Lamelo have you actually believe he wouldn't hurt you?" He asked.

"History?" I asked. "You don't know about us...you barely know me yet!"
"I know that you should believe me." He said. "From what you told me about him, I would think he would actually hurt you."
"I guess." I sighed.
I motioned to grab my phone, but Ja stopped me.
"Just fast from it a little longer okay?" He said. "Your stress levels are building up and social media is the last thing you need right now."

"You're right." I nodded.
He then kissed me and pulled me into a hug. For a good minute, we sat there in silence as he held me. My head rested on his warm chest.

I really wanted to think about what I had said to Lamelo. Was I too harsh? And where exactly did he want me to go with him? I had so many questions until I realized I was overthinking it. I needed to calm down and leave the situation alone.

I would just simply work things out when my stress levels were back to normal.
"How about we play 21 questions to get to know each other better?" Ja said. "It'll be fun."
"Okay..you first."
"Let's start with basics." He faced me. "What's your dream profession?"
"A stripper." I smiled.
"Really?" Ja's eyes widened. "Like deadass?"
"Yeah." I said. "I wanna work at The Pynk."
"Oh.." he said quietly.
"I'm joking." I laughed. "I actually wanna be a billionaire business owner in the fashion industry."
"That's great." He said. "And I really believe in you too. Now your turn."
"Okay..." I looked for a question to ask. "What's your real name?"
"Temetrius." He nodded.
"Really?" I said, stunned. "I thought it was like Jamal or something."

"Yeahhh.." he laughed. "The whole Ja part really fools everyone. My middle name is Jamel."
"We'll I think you have a very beautiful name." I smiled.
"Why thank you." He bowed and I laughed. I loved his silly personality. He was just as silly as....Stop it! Stop thinking about it! Clear the mind.
"What is the best Kool-aid flavor in your opinion?" He raised his eyebrow at me.
"Blue raspberry!" I said. "Obviously!"
"Wrong!" He face palmed himself. "It's grape!"
"You said my opinion!" I laughed.
"And you had to sadly be corrected." He shook his head laughing.

The game was going very well. It was pretty fun getting to know Ja better and him getting to know me. We had rushed into a relationship so quickly, we didn't realize we were still kinda complete strangers!
"Okay..last one." He grinned. "This one's gonna get juicy!"
"Hit me!" I said with confidence.
"What was your craziest sexual experience?"
Ok, maybe he should hit me....in the head with a brick so I wouldn't have to answer that question.

"Me?" I laughed nervously.
"Nah, Casper the ghost.." he said sarcastically. "Yes you! Now spill."
I couldn't just discuss this with him. He was already sick of the Lamelo bullshit and if he learned that Lamelo was the one who took my virginity, he just might go nuts.
Haha. Nuts.
The thought of my first time was truly a crazy but such a feel good experience. Where times were good and everyone was cool with each other.
And the thought of Lamelo's nuts...the man was godly down there. I'm talking shaved nicely, so soft, smooth...
"Ronnie..." Ja waved his hand in my face. "Anyone home?"
"Oh!" I snapped out of my trance. "We'll get to questions like that further into this relationship."
"I love a good mystery." He shrugged. "I had fun though."
"Me too." I smiled.
He gently grabbed my chin and kissed me softly.
We made out for a couple of minutes and he pulled me right on top of him.
Ja then put his hands up my shirt, and undid the back of my bra.
I pushed my self away. Still sitting on his lap.

"I'm not really ready yet..." I said quietly. "If you don't mind.."
"No of course I don't mind." He sat up. "If you're not ready, I'm not ready."
I felt bad for turning him down, but I was so exhausted from all that went down today, and I truly wasn't ready.

The Escort 2 (A Lamelo Ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now