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The next morning, Lamelo got up pretty early to cook breakfast while I slept in.
I finally got up and after washing my face, I headed downstairs.

"Good morning." Lamelo said to me.
"Keep cooking." I walked past him and rolled my eyes.
"Look I'm trying to be nice.." he started.
"No." I got a little louder. "What the fuck was all that yesterday?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I kinda just blacked out. I was so mad about Lonzo trying to make amends after nearly ruining our lives I couldn't get my mind off him. He was all I could think about."
"Well next time you black out Lamelo, I'm gonna punch you in your fucking face." I warned him.

"Oh you can punch me in the face all you want." He got smart. "As soon as you start making some money."
"I CAN make money Lamelo." I shoved him.
"Sewing those little outfits in your little work room obviously isn't getting you anywhere."

"Maybe because I didn't put them on the MARKET yet Lamelo!" I yelled at him. "It takes a lot to run a business and technically I'm still planning stuff out so FUCK YOU!"
I plopped down on the couch and slumped down a little.

Yelling at Lamelo was getting old now. It was also tiring as hell.
"Eat your breakfast." He handed me my plate. "Let's just have a good day today okay?"

"You started with me." I grumbled as I ate some eggs.
"Technically I was giving you an explanation and then you quote unquote told me you would punch me in my fucking face." He said. "So who's the real villain here?"

"Never mind that." I rolled my eyes. "Let's just have a good day like you said. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too." He said "and I'm sure once you start selling them clothes you're gonna make big bills." He smiled. "You can be like Fashion nova."
"We'll I can't copy everything they do." I laughed. "I have my own unique designs."

"Fuck it, make some mens clothes call it Nigga Nova." Lamelo said.
"Melo, please." I laughed. "You can't be serious!"
"Shiiid, I'd wear it."

Lamelo always knew how to keep a smile on my face. No matter how tough it got for us.
The doorbell rang and Lamelo went up to go get it.

Just as I got comfortable, a familiar bellowing voice came in contact with my ear drums, and not in a good way.

"BIG BALLER IN THE HIZ-OUSE!" Lavar yelled from the Foyer.
"Dad, please." Lamelo shook his head. "It's noon why are you so loud?"
"I'm surprised yo ass is even up this early!" Lavar said.

"Well, I've changed. I'm a family man now, I can't sleep in all day long."
"Speaking of family," Lavar said. "Where's little mama at?"
"She's with G." I joined the two. "Me and Melo were just having a little weekend to ourselves."
"Ohhhh okayy." Lavar gave us a witty smile. "So y'all was fuckinnn."

My Jaw dropped as soon as he said that. "Dad!" Lamelo shot him a dirty look.
"Oh come on son," Lavar rolled his eyes. "You two have a CHILD together, I'm sure you've glazed those honeybuns more than once."

What the absolute hell was wrong with this guy? Seriously? Lamelo has a pretty strange family but they'll be my in-laws soon. It seems like Gelo and Tina are the only sane ones. Now I know where Lonzo gets his crazy from.

"Uh, how about we talk about something else?" I suggested.
"No time." Lavar said. "I've got a couple errands to run. But it was nice seeing you Reggie."
"Ronnie." I corrected him.
"Yeah, see you around Richie." He smiled. "You too, son."

Lamelo hugged him as I just sat there and folded my arms.
"Don't be afraid to give my son a heir to the throne, Rasheeda." He told me. "Y'all got some time, and I need to expand this brand!"
Lavar then left and it was just me and Lamelo again.

"Rasheeda?!" I said annoyed. "Seriously?! Is it that hard to just say Ronnie?"
"He's getting older, can't blame him." Lamelo shrugged.
"He ain't that damn old!" I said.

Lamelo grabbed me up by my waist. "You want me to glaze your honeybuns?"
"Really?" I said unamused.
"Meat in your taco?"
I still stared at him blank.
"Stuffing in your turkey? Come on girl gimme something!" Lamelo said.

"All your doing is making me hungry." I giggled.
"Cause you ain't eat that damn breakfast." He shook his head. "Go finish that food so we can start on something else..ahh you see what I did there?" He grinned.
"Kudos to you Lamelo," I laughed. "Kudos to you."

Lonzo POV:

"So when do you play Lamelo next?" I asked Ja.
"Uhh in the next two weeks or so." He said.
"Let's go!" I jumped up with excitement. "Uhh I mean, cool cool."

"Why are you so hype for me to get a girl?" Ja questioned. "Is she that good?"
"She's an amazing person." I said. "And I just like to help out anyone in need. I'm sure she'd love to escape her abuse relationship..Lamelo actually just beat her up bad this morning.."

"Oh my god.." I said shocked. "Are you serious?"
"Dead serious." Lonzo started to sniffle and pulled out some tissues from his pocket. "You..You have to save her Ja.. she such a good friend of mine and im scared one day he might go so crazy, he'll kill her!" He cried.

"Don't worry." I patted Lonzo's back. "I'll take really good care of her. I'll do anything to help anyone out in danger."
"Oh you're such a good soul, Ja." Lonzo dabbed his eyes. "I couldn't ask for a better friend."
"It's the only right thing to do." I nodded. "So her name is Veronica right?"
"Veronica Sinclair." Lonzo said. "Ronnie for short. She's about 5'5, brown skinned, 115 pounds, dark brown curly hair, chestnut brown eyes, shoe size 7.."

"Damn." I said. "Y'all must be close friends."
"Oh yea." Lonzo said. "For awhile now but don't worry. I'm not after your girl." Lonzo gave me a pretty creepy smile until then my phone dinged.
It was a text from my babymama. She wanted to go clubbing but can't until I get Kaari off her hands.

"I gotta get going." I said. "Daddy duties."
"It's all good." Lonzo said. "Just meet me after the game in the hall and I'll let you know how to get at her."
"Alright." I said. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door.
I'm always open armed. If I have to help out someone in need I will.

I think that it's great that Zo is letting me know about poor Ronnie's situation. I'm glad to help too. It's like saving a life.
I like that.

Ja Morant. The NBA superstar and a superhero on the side.

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