Eighty Eight

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Madison's POV

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Madison's POV

"Everything you do... I wanna do it with you. Don't ever wanna miss you." I softly sang along to Floating by Alina Baraz as I put on some earrings.

I heard the elevator noise and smiled to myself. Jason must have gotten here. My luggage was ready, and so was I. I've been looking forward to this trip since he suggested it, I wanna be able to spend time with him, doing whatever we want without hiding or worrying about being seen.

I walked done the stairs and was about to speak before I realized the man I love wasn't the one who arrived. Instead, there were two uniformed officers, and one in a suit in my living room.

"Madison Beer?" they asked me.

"Yeah." I nervously responded. Nervous was barely describing how i felt. Hundreds of things went through my mind, first being wether they had found out the truth about Jason, then the thought of the fact that they could arrest me for being Jason's accomplice and hiding him. There's also the fact that Jason could show up here and they'll see him.

"I'm detective Sanchez. You mind coming with us for a few questions?"

"Um, is that necessary?" I asked. "I just have a compromise I need to leave for."

He sighed and pulled out a picture. "Do you know this man?" It was Zayn, an old picture of him. I think it was his mugshot.

"I've seen him before." I replied.

"That is Zayn Malik, a member of your late ex lover's gang." He said, "He had been taken into custody but was recently broken out of prison by a few men, who we have reason to believe are also part of the McCann gang."

I sighed as I mentally cursed Jason. This is what he had been busy with, wasn't it? He broke Zayn out.

"Detective, I'm not following." I said, trying to play as if I had no idea what this had to do with me.

"We need your help in identifying the two men who helped him escape."

"I'd love to, but I did not get involve in those scenarios. Like I've said before, I didn't know about... Justin's double schedule." I lied.

The man, who seemed to be maybe around his early thirties, or late twenties smirked and stared deeply at me. "Mrs. Beer, with all due respect, you're a liar and we both know that." "I think we both know you knew all about Mccann's persona, and what he did for a living, and you're just lucky enough you were born into a nice family, otherwise you'd be in jail for covering for the biggest criminal in America." "Don't ruin things for yourself, I suggest you help out."

I widened my eyes at the audacity he had to talk to me that way. Although he was right, I was covering for Jason.

"Did a judge send you?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

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