Twenty Seven

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Madison's POV

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Madison's POV

"Why do you keep checking your phone? You just finished talking to Alex on the phone." Alissa asked.

It's been a week and I haven't heard from Jason since the last time I saw him. I don't know I'm misunderstanding his actions, since we didn't really talk much before he left, but I thought that it meant that we were... reconnecting. I guess that was silly of me.

"I'm just checking the time." I said.

She rolled her eyes and said "Don't tell me you're checking for Justin. Babe, it's been a week. If he wanted you he would've made his move already." She said. What she says makes sense, but I'm in a state of denial. I thought that moment we shared meant something, at least it did to me. I guess it meant nothing to him.

"You're right." I said. I'm just going to grab my stuff."

Jason's POV

~1 week earlier~

"Fuck." I said to myself. I put my hand over my rib cage and got on the floor. I closed my eyes and grunted.

"Fucking bitch." I groaned.

I ignored the pain and got a hold of my gun and just shot without even aiming, I couldn't focus and he was running away. Fucking Grayson. He got away.

I sat down on the floor and closed my eyes as I took deep breaths.

I've been after him for a while, I've had him on my watch ever since the Madison thing happened. He's not fucking getting away with it. I will get him sooner or later, and he's gonna fucking pay.

"Yo man, you okay?" "Fuck dude." Tyler said as he came to my side.

I had gone on millions of missions and I had never gotten shot.

"Don't let him get away!" I yelled. "Fuck him! We can get him later. We need to get you out of here."

I looked up at him and then I looked at my hands that were covered in my own blood. My vision was getting blurry and I was starting to feel lightweight.

"I got you man. C'mon." He said as he tried picking me up. "I need your help here. Try to get up." He said. I nodded as he put my arm over his shoulders. I got on my feet and finally got up, I just couldn't stand straight.

He carried me to the car and I completely blacked out after that, I can't remember anything else.

I woke up in a hospital bed with an IV on my arm and my lower body covered in gauze.

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