Chapter 4

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No one's POV

Harry had just woken up from bed, somehow he had gotten a scolding from his father because he hurt Ron even though he tried to explain that he got kicked in the stomach twice by Ron but his father wouldn't hear it and sent him to his room.

Today was a special day for them at least, that's what Harry used to think about his birthday.

His birthday was the day he shared with his other siblings because of course they were triplets.

Harry sighed and got out of bed as he got ready for the day before he walked down and sat down with his family for breakfast.

"Morning Harry." Jessie greeted and Harry smiled as he nodded.

"Happy birthday the three of you." Lily said to them as they ate together.

Harry sighed as he knew what that normally meant.

It meant they would be having a party...which meant Ron and Daniel would be together and his sister would be with Ginny meaning Harry...would be alone...

The only good thing he could say about his birthday was Padfoot his godfather and when Jessie was busy, his only friend.

The thought of seeing Sirius made Harry smile a bit.

"I'm done eating." Harry said as he got up and began walking towards his room once again to read until Sirius came.

Once he got into his room he realised that this was the day that Jack wanted an answer from him and of course Harry was going to accept it without a doubt.

This was an opportunity that he just couldn't pass up.

His smile got a bit bigger at the thought of that as he grabbed a book an began to read it.

Their was a knock on his door as he didn't even bother to look up from his book.

"Come in."

The door opened and Harry glanced up to see Jessie standing there with something behind her back which made Harry raise an eyebrow.

Harry put the book down and got off his bed as he walked over to her and tilted his head.

"What's that?" Harry asked curiously.

"It's your birthday present." She said with a smile and Harry looked surprised.

"But...I haven't gotten you anything." Harry said and Jessie rolled her eyes.

"You didn't need to get me anything, I wanted to give you this." She said as he held it out to Harry.

It was an envelope and Harry took it as he turned it around opening it.

Harry looked at the contents inside it as he smiled.

It was nothing special just an ordinary birthday card but it was the thought that mattered most that was what made him smile.

Harry looked at the card as he smiled happily.

He put it on the nightstand next to his bed before he turned to his sister and hugged her.

"That is a very nice gift, thank you very much, Jessie." He said and Jessie hugged back.

"You are the best big brother even though we're triplets." She said and Harry gave a small laugh.

He thought for a moment before he reached over to the nightstand once more and grabbed the knife that he had taken from the trunk.

Harry stared at it for a moment before he put it in his pocket and walked back to his sister.

"Well I'll have to get you something to make things fair now don't I?" He asked.

The door opened revealing Sirius this time as Harry smiled.

"There are my two favourite god children." Sirius said as he pulled them both into a large hug as they both hugged him back.

"Now I believe I owe the both of you presents." Sirius said as he reached into his coat and turned to them.

"For the little doe." Sirius said as he pulled out a book and Jessie's eyes lit up with delight.

"An advanced potion making textbook that I seemed to notice you had your eye on." Sirius said as Jessie squealed and hugged the book.

"Thank you so much!" She said as she hugged the book and Sirius nodded before he turned to Harry.

"Now you were especially tough but I would be a rubbish uncle if I didn't find something you would like." Sirius said as he pulled out something from his coat and handed it to Harry.

Normally this would be incredibly dangerous to give to a child but to Harry, this was the perfect gift.

It was a small elegant knife with a black sheath and Harry grabbed the hilt as he took out the blade smiling brightly.

"I love it." Harry said as he looked a his uncle who smiled before he put a finger to his lips.

"Just don't tell your mother that I gave you this, she'd do something very very horrible to me." Sirius said as he paled a little.

Harry nodded before he smiled and turned towards Jessie.

"I guess this means I don't need this so...happy birthday Jessie." Harry said as he took out the knife and handed it to her carefully.

Jessie looked at the knife before she smiled at Harry and put it away.

"Now what's say we all go and enjoy the party." Sirius suggested and they nodded though Harry paused.

"Actually you two go ahead of me, I have to go somewhere first." Harry said and they looked at him confused before they nodded as Harry went past them and went through the party which was easy since no one seemed to notice him.

Harry made it outside as he ran back to the cave and waited for a moment before he put his hand on the trunk.

"If you can hear me...I accept." Harry said as he took his hand away.

"Then get ready as we will be leaving this place." Jack said as he stood behind him.

Hearing this made Harry's eyes widen as he turned to face him but Jack was gone.


That's it for this chapter

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