Chapter 9

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No one's POV

Harry however shook his head and walked away from the prefect sitting down on the couch.

"Do please continue with your little speech." Harry said as he closed his eyes.

The prefect saw red as he reached for his wand intending to put Harry in his place but froze.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Harry said as he opened his eyes leering at the prefect.

"And why not Potter?" The prefect snarled as he raised his wand before a cruel smile came to his face.

"Look closely beneath your feet." Harry said and the prefect did so.

At first he saw nothing before he looked closer to see that a thin cable was beneath his feet and he was stepping on it.

"That my friend is piano wire and one my own which I assure you is durable." Harry said as he stood up.

"That cable is connected to knives which will come flying at you should you step off that wire." Harry said before he gave a small laugh.

"I assure I am not kidding but...if you think I am then by all means step off it though what should happen to you after is well it has all to do with your will power now doesn't it?" Harry asked.

"That's impossible, you couldn't have done this!" The prefect said as he prepared to step off the wire.

The second his foot got off the wire his arms and legs were all stabbed with knives that came flying from all angles at him.

He wanted to scream but Harry covered his mouth as he pushed him down to his knees which only made the knives in his legs either stab him deeper or cut him as they were pushed out of his body.

Blood stained the floor as Harry smiled at him as he tilted his head.

"It's quite beautiful isn't it?" Harry asked as he moved the prefects head down as he watched the pool of blood begin to form.

"Seas of red running along the ground what a more beautiful colour than that?" Harry asked.

The prefect formed tears from the pain as Harry prevented him from crying out.

All the students in Slytherin looked at Harry with a look of horror save for some who looked with interest.

"Well then I assume you know the way to the medical room." Harry said as he removed the knives from the prefects body as he wiped them off on the prefects robes before putting them away in his pouch.

"Tell anyone I have done this and I will kill you." Harry whispered in his ear before standing up and turning around as he started walking.

"I'm quite tired so if you'll excuse me I'll be retreating to my room for the night and could someone please clean up that blood?" Harry asked as he walked away.

Entering his room Harry took his pouches off as he set them on his trunk.

He gave a small yawn as he took off his uniform and changed into some pajamas and got into bed closing his eyes.

The next day

Harry woke up and got out of bed as he stretched his body for a moment before grabbing his things and walking out of the room.

He showered, brushed his teeth and then got dressed before leaving the room and back to his own.

Before putting on his robes he reached out and grabbed his pouches as he put them on before he put his school robes on.

He hummed as he walked out of his room as his pouches were hidden by his robes.

Once he walked out of the room he stopped when he noticed that Malfoy was talking to a girl.

He noticed that the girl was clearly annoyed by his presence wanting him to leave her be.

Harry decided he would be a gentleman and walked over to her aid.

"My oh my, it seems that you are bothering this girl perhaps it would be better if you leave her be." Harry said and Malfoy turned to him as he glared.

"Mind your own business Potter, this has nothing to do with you." Malfoy spat and Harry merely smiled.

"I never said that it had anything to do with me, I am merely making an observation that you are bothering this girl." Harry said.

The girl looked at him questioningly while Malfoy merely put his hand on her shoulder.

"Well then you should know that she is my betrothed, it has been arranged by our fathers that we will be wed so mind your own business." He said with a smirk as if he had won an argument.

"If that's the case then no." Harry said as he walked over and slapped his hand off her shoulder.

"The essence of a true gentleman would not allow such an atrocious act to take place." Harry said as he took a tissue and wiped the girls shoulder.

"To stain someone with such a filthy hand is unforgivable." Harry said as he put it away and turned to Malfoy.

"A true gentleman would never put his hand on a woman's shoulder or even that of a girl without there permission." Harry said as he raised his hand and pointed at Malfoy.

"Your soul is disgusting and vile, to dare try and touch someone with your hand is a horrible act." Harry said.

"What right do you have to spout about such trash Potter?" Malfoy snarled but another girl came over.

"Daphne, what's going on here?" She asked and Harry turned to her with a smile.

"I see you are her friend, please take her away, she is being harrassed by this fool." Harry said as the girl nodded as the two left.

The girl named Daphne looked back at Harry before she and her friend left the common room.

Harry turned back to Malfoy who had his wand drawn and pointed at Harry.

"You'll pay for that Potter!" Malfoy exclaimed.


That's it for this chapter

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