Chapter 41

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No one's POV

They had finally arrived at the school and Harry was happy that he had finally been able to leave the train.

He got out of the train with his friends and sister before they joined up with the others.

"You guys all right?" Buda asked as he looked at Adam, Tobi, Qin, Nikola and Gondul.

"Not really, had to deal with an interaction from Ronald Weasley." Tobi said annoyed.

"Oh? And how did that go if you don't mind me asking." Harry asked curious as to what happened.

"It's not problem, he came in looking for Daniel and when we said we didn't know, he started going on and on about some nonsense that we didn't care enough about to actually listen to before we kicked him out, literally." Tobi said.

"I was the one who did the kicking." Gondul said with a small smile getting a laugh from the three along with Ginny.

Ginny however had to leave them soon enough when the first years were called by Hagrid so that they could be lead to Hogwarts.

The rest of the years were sent a different way as they all got to the school before sitting down at their house tables.

Harry had looked down to make sure that his pouches were secure and that Buster was comfortable.

"Quite the spectacle." Jack spoke to Harry in his mind as Harry gave a small chuckle as he looked around at all the years other than first who were sitting down and talking amongst themselves.

Soon enough McGonagall came in with the new first years as they were soon sorted into their houses.

Harry's eye was caught however when he noticed one particular first year who was placed in Ravenclaw.

Deciding for the moment that his attention shall be diverted he turned to Dumbledore who was giving his usual start of the year speech.

"Due the sudden leave of Professor Quirrel we are in need of a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher in his stead but over the course of the summer holiday, we were able to procure one, a former student of this school as a matter of fact." Dumbledore said as he pointed to the door.

The doors opened as Harry's pupil narrowed at the sight of who had walked through the door.

Jessie felt as if she wanted to throw up at the mere sight of who had just arrived.

"Please give a welcome to our new staff member, Gilderoy Lockhart." Dumbledore said as majority of the female students began to swoon over him minus some of course.

"Jeez, I've never seen a more stupid colour suit in my life." Buda groaned as he fixed his sunglasses.

"It is a bit silly." Adam agreed as he ate an apple he had.

Harry had been reaching for his pouches as he wanted to take out either enough knives to turn that fool into a pincushion for laying a hand on his sister or Casull and Jackal so he can riddle his body with bullets.

He felt one of his knives handle and began to pull it out when he felt a hand stop his.

Looking at the hand he followed it to see Daphne looking at him.

"Don't." She said and Harry narrowed his eyes.

Harry took a few breaths before he sighed and nodded as he placed the knife back.

"Thank you." He said bitterly.

"Hello all of you, I cannot wait to begin teaching all of you and I hope to take you all to great heights." Gilderoy said as he flashed them a smile.

"We will kill him soon, correct?" Alucard asked him and Harry simply smiled as he thought of all the ways he could kill that pompous fool.

'Oh rest assured we will, we just need to wait.' Harry replied.

Soon enough that had come to an end as the prefects had taken all the students to their houses.

Harry walked into his room as he took Buster out of his pouch before setting him down on his bed.

Harry took off his pouch placing it next to the bunny as Harry sat down and rubbed his face.

He was already annoyed by that man and he hasn't even been taught by him yet.

"If he makes it until the end of this year and I haven't slit his throat then I will be disappointed in myself and my abilities." Harry muttered.

"Now now, I believe that he will meet his end, the question however is what instruments of death shall you use." Jack said as he leaned against the wall with a small smile on his face.

"I believe that is a trick question." Harry said as he smiled as well lowering his hands.

"In the hands of a killer, everything and anything they can get their hands on is a weapon fit to kill as long as the killer is experienced enough."

Jack looked at the boy before he let out a small laugh and nodded.

"No words have ever been as true as the ones you have just uttered." Jack said.

"You have told me that you have once used your own blood as a weapon." Alucard said as he held Buster in his hands while looking at Jack.

"Ah yes, the final technique I had used against the mighty God Heracles, Dear God." Jack said remembering his final moments against the God of Fortitude.

"I have yet to use that technique though one that interests me to no end would have to be Rondo of Blessing." Harry said.

The idea of literally using a building as a weapon against a foe sounded quite thrilling though in order to do this move one would require quite a bit of planning and trickery.

"Now, I believe tonight you should retire to bed early as it is your first day of school tomorrow." Jack said and Harry nodded as he stood up.

"And I shall but first perhaps I should check on my student first, bid her a goodnight." Harry said as he made way to the door before leaving the room.

"I believe the boy has a bit of affection towards Miss Greengrass." Jack said with a small chuckle.

"Interesting, this could be quite entertaining especially since he has no idea." Alucard said with a laugh.


That's it for this chapter

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