Chapter 10

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No one's POV

Harry looked at this attempt to scare him with some mild amusement before he turned around and walked away.

"You know what happened last night, I will do something far worse." Harry said as he walked out of the common room.

Malfoy was glaring at him with unrivalled anger.

"You'll pay for this Potter!" Malfoy screamed after him but Harry just laughed it off.

Harry left the common room as he found Tobi leaning against the wall as he turned to Harry.

"That was quite the scene." Tobi said and Harry shook his head.

"He's lucky I didn't kill him where he stood but by doing that in such a bland way is boring, to truly kill someone, one must first learn about his prey before attacking." Harry said and Tobi looked at him.

"Interesting from what I was taught the less you know about your target the better as it results in a quick job." Tobi said and Harry shook his head.

"No no I'm not saying you must learn them personally, you must look into their soul and from there you can make the necessary plans to execute them." Harry said as they walked.

The two continued to talk before they made it to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"I will join you in a moment." Harry said as he walked to Ravenclaw where his sister was.

"Good morning Jessie." Harry said with a smile as his sister turned to him.

"Good morning Harry." She said with a smile.

"Did you sleep well?" Harry asked and Jessie nodded.

Harry pat her head before he walked back to his house and sat down.

Word had spread about what Harry had done to the prefect and those who were witness to it feared him a bit.

Harry looked around the house as some avoided eye contact with him as they looked down at their breakfast which made him chuckle unnerving some of them.

Harry took some toast, bacon and such before he ate some of it as Tobi ate some as well.

"We start our day with Transfiguration." Tobi said and Harry nodded.

He surveyed his new hunting grounds but decided when in school his targets would not be students or teachers...unless they pushed him to far.


Harry was sitting in Transfiguration as Tobi sat next him as they read silently.

Harry heard the sound of footsteps that were coming as he smiled a bit and continued to read from the textbook.

Daniel and Ron came running into the class panting a bit.

"Thank goodness McGonagall isn't here." Ron said as he panted a bit.

"Well someone is as dumb as they look." Harry said.

"What are you talking about?" Ron asked as he glared at Harry who pointed to the desk.

"If you can't tell that that is the teacher I question how smart you claim to be." Harry said.

"Are you daft? That's just a cat." Daniel said.

The cat however jumped of the desk and in its place stood Minerva McGonagall the professor of Transfiguration as she gave both boys a stern look.

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, what reason do you have for coming late to my class?" She asked them.

"We overslept Professor." Ron said as he looked down.

"Well perhaps I should transfigure one of you into a watch so that you know the time and arrive when it is said." She said and Daniel stepped forward.

"We didn't know which way to go Professor." He said and McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

"Then perhaps a map instead now sit down." She said.

Daniel and Ron sat down quickly as Harry gave a small chuckle which earned a glare from the two of them.

"Mr. Potter." She said she walked to Harry's desk as he looked at her.

Harry looked up and smiled at the professor.

"Yes professor?" He asked.

"How did you know that I was the cat on the desk?" She asked and Harry looked back at his textbook.

"Well professor, I have never seen a cat sit so stiffly, and being honest...that cat had to much of an intelligent expression to ever be normal." He said and McGonagall gave him a small surprised look before he expression went back to its stern one.

"Very good 5 points to Slytherin." She said before she began the class.

This lesson would be focused on turning a matchstick into a needle.

"Mr. Potter please show us how it is done." She said and Harry nodded.

"Yes professor." He said as he looked in the textbook glancing over the spell.

Harry took out his wand before he waved his wand over the match as it turned into a needle.

"Quite a simple spell but an interesting one nonetheless." Harry said and McGonagall nodded.

"Very good Mr. Potter." She said as she instructed the other students to do the same.

Harry turned to Tobi who looked at him and Harry could sense the smile under the mask as he heard him chuckle.

"Perhaps you could give me a hand?" He asked and Harry nodded.

"Of course my friend." Harry said as he helped him.

"It seems you have eyes on you." Tobi said as he glanced around the room.

"And those eyes belong too?" Harry asked as he glanced down at the textbook not looking up.

"Daniel, Weasley, a Ravenclaw girl and one from our house, I believe her name is Daphne." Tobi said and Harry nodded.

Harry knew why his brother and his idiotic friend would be looking at him but the other four eyes on him.

He glanced at the Ravenclaw girl who had managed to do the spell after three tries and then at that Daphne girl who did it in one just like him.

Using his soul eye he looked at them.

The Ravenclaw girl had bushy hair and a small overbite but her soul was mostly pure which interested Harry, in her soul he could see that she had a love of knowledge.

'A valuable asset to be an ally with.' Harry thought before he turned to Daphne as his eyes widened.


That's it for this chapter

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