Chapter 22

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No one's POV

It was late that night when Harry was sure everyone would be sleeping when he readied his pouches and wore his assassin's outfit.

He opted for keeping his clothes same as that of Jack's as he closed the door quietly behind him.

He walked down for a bit before he stood outside a door and opened it walking in.

Once he stepped inside he quickly caught a knife and a small smile dawned his face.

"So my lessons are not a waste after all but had I been someone else? Such as Snape? Or even Davis? What then?" He asked as he looked at Daphne who smiled.

"Then I would need your help in hiding a body." She said and Harry chuckled before he looked at the knife.

"Well with a throw like wouldn't need to because it was quite weak, I'd say it would bounce off the wall rather than get imbedded into it but that can be worked on." Harry said as he looked at Daphne who crossed her arms.

"Forgive me for not meeting your expectations." She said and Harry nodded.

"Don't worry in time you will but until then this is...acceptable." Harry said as he smirked at her.

"So why did you instruct me to be up so late in the first place?" She asked before noticing that he was in his assassin outfit.

"Tonight you will be coming with me." He said and Daphne's eyes widened.

"Why?" She asked hoping that was the case and Harry shook his head.

"You are having a lesson as well as getting your first kill out of the way and what more appropriate time than Halloween?" Harry asked as he motioned for her to come with him.

"How are we even going to get out of the school let alone get back in?" She asked and Harry smiled.

"I know a way but this can also be considered a lesson for you." Harry said as he took her hand as he began to walk.

Once exiting the room Daphne looked at Harry.

"This lesson will be good in teaching you to move through the darkness and the one you must me." Harry said as his right eye was now uncovered as it swirled red.

"If you can make it to the exit without me finding you then you have passed but if I find you...."

Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife.

"You'll have a knife in your arm." Harry said and Daphne nodded.

"This will be your starting point and I expect your best." Harry said as he walked away.

He sat down on the couch and closed his eyes.

"Again." Harry said as he looked to the far corner of the room.

Daphne walked out of the dark and sighed before returning to the starting point.

Harry waited again before opening his eye.

"Again, you are hiding underneath the table using the shadows to think I would not notice." Harry said.

This went on for five more times before Daphne gave a frustrated sigh and sat down.

"We aren't finished." Harry said as he looked at her only to see her glare at him.

"How do you expect me to do this? You found me everytime I tried to hide away." Daphne growled and Harry sat up.


Daphne looked at him confused before he continued to speak.

"To the untrained ear it merely means hearing things that are close by but this training helps you to sneak even against those who have been trained to pick up on even the littlest of noise." Harry said.

"Breathing, heartbeats even unknown creaks in the floor, I have been trained to be able to pick up on all of them and the reason I am able to see you easily even without my eyes is that reason."

Harry moved his hand and placed a finger on her chest.

"Your heartbeat gets faster because your breathing quicker, you fear my threat because you know the consequences and yet they never came, you must learn to be calm even when you are put into a tough situation, steady breathing is important because if the target senses even a bit of fear in you...they will take advantage of it." Harry said.

Daphne processed what he said and nodded.

"I understand."

"Then put what I have said into play and be calm or you will never succeed." Harry said as he moved his hand away and sat back.

Daphne got up and returned to the starting point.

Harry closed his eyes and began to focus once again on Daphne.

Her heart was beating quickly and he gave a small sigh before he smiled.

It was getting slower and now it had returned to a nice steady pace.

Harry turned his head to where he thought she was but he was wrong and turned his head back to the centre.

Harry threw a knife into the dark where he had heard a noise but it was nothing.

Harry opened his eyes and gave a small chuckle.

"You pass."

Daphne stood in front of him with a knife at his neck.

Harry stood up and moved the knife away.

"You managed to just barely get to me...but you have done a job well done." Harry said and Daphne smiled.

"So is that all?" She asked hoping Harry had forgotten but he shook his head.

"Nice try but we will be dealing with your first kill and tonight." He said and Daphne sighed.

"But we can't even get out of the school so what's the point?" She asked and Harry smiled.

"There are many ways to get out of the school but they are hidden, tell me...have you ever heard of the One-eyed witch passageway that connects right to the sweets shop Honeydukes in Hogsmeade?" Harry asked as he turned to her.


That's it for this chapter

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