Chapter 1

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No one's POV


That was normally how Harry spent most of his time.

He would be sitting in his room reading a book while his "family" spent their time together.

Harry stared out the window to his room and frowned.

'Why do they do this?...Aren't I good enough? What did I do wrong?...Why don't they love me?' Those were the thoughts that the age of a six year old child.

Harry watched as his parents fawned over his brother and sister while he was left alone and often times told there was no time for him and that his siblings needed to be put first.

Forcing a smile on his face Harry nodded as he listened to them promise him that next time they would spend time with him....but it never came.

Harry heard the door open as he looked at the door.

The person who walked in brought a small smile to his face as he looked at the face of his sister.

No matter how much he was jealous of them...he always loved his sister with all his heart....she was precious to him.

"Hi Harry!" She greeted cheerfully and Harry closed his book.

"Hello Jessie." He greeted as she closed the door and walked over to his bed sitting down next to him.

"What are you reading?" She asked as she scooted closer to him.

"It's just a book about...well that I'll tell you later." He said not wanting his sister to know that he had been reading a book about killers throughout history.

Harry's favourite so far was a man named Jack The Ripper.

Even at the age of six, Harry was by far smarter than those his age but even that seemed to go unoticed by his family.

Jessie pouted as she crossed her arms looking away from him making Harry chuckle a bit.

"I promise I'll tell you later." Harry said before he stood up and motioned for her to follow.

"Let's go play in the woods for a bit." Harry said and Jessie smiled nodding.

They both left his room and went downstairs towards the backdoor.

"Jessie, Harry, where are you going?" Lily asked as she walked over to them.

"Me and Harry were going to go outside to play in the woods for a bit." Jessie said and Lily looked at the two of them for a moment before she nodded.

"Alright, both of you be careful." She said and Jessie nodded as she took Harry's hand and went outside.

They ran into the woods and started playing hide and seek for a bit.

Harry smiled as he stood against a tree and closed his eyes and started counting.

He finished and smiled as he turned to look around.

He searched for a bit but so far had no luck until he heard a scream.

Harry knew that voice and ran towards it quickly as he saw his sister being cornered by a wolf.

Harry's eyes widened as he heard the wolf snarl and move closer to her preparing to attack.

He didn't know what happened next but he was carrying his sister quickly.

On his back he had a bad cut on it from the wolf as his sister cried in his arms but he pushed through the pain he felt as he ran faster and faster.

He made it to the backdoor of the manor when he felt his legs collapse and he fell to the ground.

Jessie quickly got up and sat at her brothers side crying her eyes out.

Their parents ran out as they heard the cries.

"Jessie what happened!?" James asked worried as she examined her for any injuries.

Jessie cried as she explained what happened before James picked her up hugging her tightly.

"Shhh it's ok Jessie." James said comforting her as they walked inside.

Lily looked at Harry as her eyes widened in horror as she saw the cut on his back.

"Harry! I'll go get the first aid kit!" She said as she rushed inside.

Harry laid patiently before he growled in pain as he felt a sudden weight on the cut.

Harry turned his head and saw his brother with his foot on the cut.

"Get off!" Harry snarled but his brother only stepped harder on it forcing Harry to lay on the ground still.

"I don't understand why Jessie would waste her time with you." Daniel said as he glared at his brother and pressed harder on the wound.

"You're not special Harry, you're weak and useless." Daniel said before he pressed as hard as he could before he stepped off and walked back inside.

Harry slowly sat up as he hissed in pain.

"I'm not weak..." Harry muttered before he got up.

He walked up to his room and sat down on his bed wiping his face, he refused to shed tears....he was used to this...

The door opened revealing his mother.

"Lift your shirt." She said as she walked over and sat down.

Harry did as she said before she started to treat the injury.

"That was very dangerous." She said and Harry was silent.

"But I'm glad you protected your sister." She said and Harry looked at her from over his shoulder as she smiled at him.

Harry remembered why his sister was his pride and joy....she reminded him of their mother.

She finished as she put a bandage on the wound before she stood up and kissed his forehead.

"Keep protecting your sister, Harry, she needs someone like you." She said and Harry nodded as he watched his mother walk to the door.


Lily turned to her son who was looking at the ground.

"Yes Harry?"

"How come you and dad spend so much time with Daniel and Jessie but almost none with me?" He asked as he looked at his mother.

Lily was silent as she didn't know how to answer the question without either hurting his feelings or making him hate his siblings.

"Don't be silly dear, we don't spend more time with them." Lily said as she walked out the door and closed it behind her and leaned against it.

"....I'm so sorry...." She muttered quietly.


That's it for this chapter

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