11~ A lot of questions

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The ground disappeared beneath our feet. There was nothing but air. For a moment, everything went completely still. My stomach seemed to flip three times, at least. Diluc clung to my side.

I spread my arms and thus opened the glider, which abruptly intercepted our fall. Carefully I opened my eyes, while my heart was still beating hard against my chest. Noise came through to me again as I realized that we were slowly gliding downward. Sigh of relief. I can't tell how many stones had fallen from my heart.

Then there was Diluc.

"You stole my catchphrase up there, you know"


Already before I opened my eyes, I felt the tingling in my nose. It became stronger and stronger until I finally startled out of my pillow with a loud sneeze. Only after the unpleasant feeling in my nose had slowly subsided did I open my eyes.

I looked into the face of a red-haired man who had also just been roused from sleep, judging by his expression. Diluc was sitting bolt upright on a chair next to his bed, blinking around in confusion, having probably not quite regained his orientation. I watched him for a few more moments until I was fully awake myself.

"Did you spend the whole night in that chair?" I asked amused, already knowing the answer. I guess my counterpart was now also starting to realize where he was and more importantly, whose body he was finally back in.

"No!" he shook his head, frowning. "You've been sitting here all night!". He was now pointing his finger at me somewhat embarrassed. His other hand ran rather confusedly through his hair and pushed a few red lost strands of hair back. 

I eyed his irritated posture for a few moments until I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

All the memories from yesterday were flooding in and the thought that we had despite everything made it back in one piece just put a smile on my face. Diluc on the other hand, didn't seem to feel like laughing. He just dropped both of his hands back into his lap and looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"Do you want to tell me what's so funny?"

I brushed a tear from the corner of my eye and made a dismissive hand gesture.

"Never mind. It's not that important."

The redhead didn't seem satisfied with the answer, but didn't say anything and just crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was probably also just glad that we had left Dragonspine safe and sound.

After we threw ourselves over the edge of Skyfrost Nail yesterday, we had actually managed to reach the bottom of the mountain in one piece. Diluc had finally collapsed as soon as we had solid ground under our feet again. I wouldn't have been able to keep the glider open for a second longer either, and I'm sure Diluc could still feel that in his back muscles today.

As luck would have it, we had landed not far from the camp of the Adventure Guild and had already been spotted from afar. The people in charge there took care of Diluc and even provided us with a horse, with which we finally arrived back at the winery late in the evening.

Adelinde and Elzer were worried sick and immediately took care of everything. Diluc was stuffed into his bed under a pile of blankets and I just couldn't help but watch over him on a chair next to him.

"I think I have to say that you weren't half bad, back up there...", after a long pause Diluc had finally decided to speak up. "Clumsy as ever but... we're here, that's what counts."

Just a little bit  𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 // Diluc x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now