☁︎︎𑁍Good Luck Potters𑁍☁︎︎

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[In a neighborhood on a street called Privet Drive]

"Isn't that-" Marlene started. "Tuney's house" lily completed suspiciously. Marlene, Alice, and Dorcas had all come to her house last summer so they knew what it looked like. Petunia had inherited the house from her parents after they moved to the suburbs. "Yea that is Petunia's house, my god she was dreadful" Evelyn said sighing deeply. "Well not for you, you were always sucking up to them" Harry said glaring at his "SiStEr". "Oh like how you do with Dumbledore or how you do with everyone at Hogwarts?" Evelyn asked him with a sneer. Harry turned pink and didn't say anything back.

[An owl, sitting on the street flies of revealing a very mysterious looking old man walking through a forest near the street]

"Oh goody I remember this day" Evelyn said sarcastically as Mattheo was rubbing circles on her back. The slytheirn 7 all knew that she would hide her emotions, but they got used to it that they could see if she was being honest or hiding something.

[He stops at the start of the street, and takes out a mechanical device and zaps all the light out of the lamp posts]

"Moony pleeeeeeaaaassseee" James and Sirius begged together. "NOO" came the very strict voice of Lily Evans before Remus could reply. " Oh you guys mean-" ron says and pulls something out of his pocket. "THIS" he finishes. "Wha-ba no no no" James and Sirius say astonished.

[the said man, ALBUS DUMBLEDORE, puts the device away and a cat meows. Albus looks down at the cat, which is a tabby and is sitting on a brick ledge]

"MINNIE IT'S YOU" the Marauders all shouted

"I have told you lot to restrain from calling me that" she said in a strict tone, but she hid her smile very well.

"Oh i should have known you would be here......

Professor McGonagall" Albus said

"I told you, I told you, I told you, I told you" Sirius sang to everyone

"No one disagreed with you" Blaise deadpanned.

[The cat is seen progressing into a human after sniffing him out. After a few seconds the cat is gone and there stood a women by the name of Minerva McGonagall]

"Good evening Professor. Dumbledore, are the ...rumors true" She asked in a worried voice

"What rumors"

"What happened"

"Is it really bad"

"SILENCE" yelled McGonagall as she wanted to know what happened next

"I'm afraid so proffessor, the good and the bad" he said, but some could notice that he didn't have the feeling of sadness in his eyes.

"And the twins" she asked her voice shaking.

"Hagrid is bringing them" he states calmly

"Twins means you two right, cause the movie is named after both of you" a 6th year ravenclaw asked overconfidently like she just found gravity.

"Well yea no dip sherlock" Theo said rolling his eyes at that person's overconfidence.

"Do you think it would be wise trusting hagrid with a job like this" Minerva asked cautiously

"Ah professor I would trust hagrid with my life" he replied confidently

"Just not our secrets" the golden trio said together

"That oaf shouldn't be trusted with anything" Mattheo sneered calmly, while those near him agreed.

[ A loud motor sound causes both professors to look up and they see a blue flying motorcycle. It lands skidding the ground and stops right before them. A large man takes off his glasses to reveal RUBEUS HAGRID]

"I NEED that bike guys" sirius said as if that bike was his oxygen

"It is yours padfoot" harry told his which cause him to start squealing like a little girl

"Professor Dumbledore sir, professor McGonagall" hagrid said with respect

" No problems I trust hagrid" Dumbledore asked

"Nope, the little tykes fell asleep as we crossed bristol, here you go dont wake them up, especially the boy crys a lot" hagrid says handing them the babies.

" Crys a lot pottter" malfoy said making the whole hall laugh

Harry turn pink, which makes them laugh more

"I always knew he was the emotional child" Evelyn whispers to her friends who snicker at this.

"Albus do you really think it's safe leaving them with these people. I have watched them all day they're truly horrible people. Worst sort of muggles imaginable" Minerva said trying to change his mind

"A+ For effort" Evelyn said making the people around her laugh

"Thanks for trying professor" harry said

"Its the only family they have" Dumbledore said with no sorry in his voice.

"There won't be a wizard that doesn't know their name, they're famous" She said.

"Exactly, its better for them to grow up away from it all until they are ready" Dumbledore said

"Better for us, or better for you" Evelyn asked with a sharp glare towards Dumbledore.

Harry couldn't help but agree.

[Hagrid sniffles, and has tears coming down]

"There there hagrid it's not really goodbye

[He places the babies down on the doorstep and places a letter on top. You can see the visible lightning scar on their forehead]

"Good luck...... Harry and Evelyn Potter"

"Wow" was all everyone said

"That was something" daphne muttered to her friends

"Well that was the first part" Dumbledore said

"Take rest and we will continue tomorrow" Minerva added

Everyone got up, and Evelyn laced her finger with Mattheo's and they all walked to the slytherin dorm.

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