start of something new

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As she went around packing all her clothes she stopped at her uniform. She could use these all of these things separately, and some of these things do go well with each other. Just as she finished packing, two girls burst into the room. "IS IT TRUE, IS IT TRUE, you can't be leaving, i need you we need you, everyone needs you, your like the big sister, w-what if i get stuck in the hospital then will you leave, you can't right, you wouldn't, someone break my arm, I'll do it,please don't leave us" Rosie and Simone rambled on and on. "Don't break Rosie's arm, and I have to go, but i promise I'll be back before you know it ok?" She said with small tears in her eyes. "Ok" they both responded with small tears dripping down their cheeks. "Now go get some sleep my little angels" Eve said wiping their tear stained cheek. With that they left, and Evelyn jumped on the bed falling asleep, excited and saddened for the day tomorrow. 

A sleepy girl was awoken by a bright light hitting her face, she got up quickly and finished getting ready. She grabbed her suitcase and was walking down the stairs. Since it was early in the morning not many people were awake. Simone and Rosie were two of the many that were still asleep. She bid her goodbye to her favorite headmistress and got in the car. She was currently on her way to to the train station as she had skipped her goodbyes knowing how much it would pain her. She bid goodbye to the life she had before and went into the station. She would forever miss this part of her life. All the times she had spent watching her sisters and brothers grow up, watching herself grow up, staying up late with her friends, their movie nights, sneaking in candy, playing outside. This was where she first learned happiness, and she was glad she came here instead of staying at that grueling place the Dursley's called home. "Where the heck is platform 9 3/4" Lyn thought out loud, but she was broken out of her thoughts when she heard a scream. "OMG LYN ITS ME ITS ME" called out voice she knew all to well. "PANS I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" lyn screamed back. They both ran and hugged each other and thats when evelyn notcied a blonde girl standing to the side. She looked so pretty and nice, but she was shy too. "Hi there I'm evelyn potter nice to meet you" and lyn gave one of those rare warm smiles. "Daphne, Daphne greengrass" the said girl smiled back, thry had a feeling the three were going to be the best of friends. 

When they explained to her what she had to do she looked at them with a look that screamed crazy. "are you sure, like its not a joke right" Lyn asked a bit skeptical of this."loosen down eve, I swear this is what we do every year" Daph said laughing due to her friends attitude. "you know what i'll even go first if it makes you happy" Pansy said, excited to finally see hogwarts express. "Oh thank merlin I thought i was gonna have to ask you" Eve let out a sigh which caused the other girls to chuckle. When pansy ran through, daphne convinced evelyn to go next, which she did, and she made it in alive. "you can open your eyes now lynnie" it was the voice of the boy that had been on her mind for a while. "Matty?" the girl asked liking the way he said her name. "the one and only" he said with a smirk. Thats when she looked around and it was so big. Hogwarts express was so magical and everyone was there with their families. It did make her feel a little empty inside but she was making some friends she knew would be her family one day. "it is quite beautiful isn't it" Mattheo said looking no where but at her. "it sure is, it most definitely is" evelyn said knowing this was going to be one hell of a journey.

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