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"You what" McGonagall said choking on her words

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"You what" McGonagall said choking on her words. "You've got the professors tongue tied Lyn" blaise said making people laugh. "I am quite that amazing" Lyn said flipping her hair dramatically. "I already knew I mean, every time I get mad something bad would happen, I can talk to different things, and on top of it all I can feel my power. "Well this does speed up the process" she muttered. "Very well then, Ms.Potter this is your letter, it contains everything you need and where to find it". "I look forward to seeing at our school this year" McGonagall said as she apparated out of the building. The door opens and Evelyn steps out and finds Headmistress Carol with some children waiting for her. "Well my dearie, how did it go? Did you get accepted? When do you start?" Carol asked anxiously. " She can talk a lot" a random ravenclaw said. "Yea she does have a mouth" Theo said with sass. This made people laugh, much to the dismay of the golden trio. Why were people starting to like the Slytherins, they were evil and working with the Voldermort."Well it went like a normal conversation except it was more awkward , "Yea we could feel the awkwardness all the way from here, and we're not even there" a random Gryfindoor said causing mummers of agreement to erupt.I did get accepted, and I have to board the train September 1, 11 AM sharp" Evelyn answered all her Headmistress's questions. "Well dearie that is tomorrow, so you could go shopping for your supplies today and I would go start packing and say all my goodbyes tomorrow" She suggested. With that Evelyn walked into her room and looked around. She truly was going to miss this place that she had spent 11 years of her life at. All the memories she made with everyone, all the jokes, laughter, fun, and fights they had. These people has grown a lot on her, and she was going to miss them quite a lot during the school year, she knew that. "Oh my god Lynnie you have emotions" Theo said to which Draco laughed causing both of them to be hit in the head my the said girl. What Theo said was what everyone was thinking without the sarcasm.She quickly got ready and the driver took her to a bar in London. She told the driver, who she learned was named Cal, that she could leave. As she went in she found someone out the pub. "Excuse me could you tell me how to get to diagon alley, my name is Evelyn Potter" she asked the man in the sweetest tone she could. "Bless my soul, You can't believe what an honor it is to meet you Ms.Potter" He said amazed at the person in front of him. "I tend to have that affect on people" Lyn said out loud looking straight at Hermione, who glared back at her as she was referring to the first time they met.As he said her name so loudly the whole pub went quiet and started gathering around her. "I have never in my 18 years seen the that place go completely quiet" Theo said actually amazed. "Yea well it went quiet for me too" Harry said causing people to also look at him amazed. "Yea well when someone that ugly walks in of course they stare" Daphne said nit liking the way he was trying to get attention.She was actually surprised at this. McGonagall had told her that she was quite famous in that letter, but she didn't think she was this famous. "Is the Evelyn Potter being humble" Mattheo said teasing her. She did like it though. "Of course did" Hermione said smugly. "Who wouldn't" a Hufflepuff said.She was always liked by people, maybe not everyone, but the majority of everyone. This was right, everyone at hogwarts adored her, and feared her at the same time, they wanted to be her.Oh Ms.Potter follow me" the man she met first said. As she followed him to the back she saw this man with a turban, and there was powerful  energy coming from him, not directly him, but something on him. "Already suspicious of someone before school even starts" Mattheo sighed. "I wasn't suspicious I only thought that he was wrong" Lyn defended herself.Then the man started pressing some bricks and they opened or disappeared or something magical. "Welcome to Diagon alley Evelyn Potter" The man said. She walked through and saw so many things. To say she was amazed and gobsmacked was the least. Then something caught her eye, Nimbus 2000 was written on the wall. "The Potter's and their quidditch obsession" Everyone agreed with the words that were spoken.Just as she was going closer to it, she bumped into someone. "Bloody hell where were you looking" the girl that had fallen said. "Eeeeeeeekk" Pansy and Lyn both squeeled. "This is when-"Pansy started, "we met" Lyn ended. She was a bit shorter than Eve, had shoulder length brown hair, and Eve could tell she was a witch from a family of witches by the way she used her words. "Sorry i was looking at the broom, My name is Evelyn Potter" Eve said quickly apologizing to the girl. "Wow one of the only times Evelyn Potter said sorry" Theo said wiping a  fake tear. "Well I should have looked where i was going to, Pansy Parkinson, and it is sooooo cool meeting you" Pansy said, and Eve had to admit, she didn't have to put on a fake smile like she did with most people. "Awwwww does Lynnie lovee meeee" Pansy said with a teasing tone. "Nope cause she is madly in love with me" Mattheo said leaving a red Lyn."Well Pansy do you want to finish your shopping with me?" Eve asked hopeful. "I just started like you so we could do it together" She said giving Eve a smile. They bought everything except a wand and a pet. As they walked into the pet store Eve bumped into someone "This is where we meet love" Mattheo whispered in her ears sending shivers down her spine and butterflies in her stomache.causing her to almost fall to the ground, before the person who she bumped into caught her by wrapping his hand around her waist. "My prince charming" Lyn said putting her hand to her heart. "2nd time in a row lyn way to go" Pansy teased her before realizing who she bumped into. This caused everyone, well mostly everyone to laugh. Except a certain brown-haired witch to glare at her for bumping into "her love"."Mattheo what are you doing here, you got your supplies yesterday" Pansy asked when she saw his face. "Stop being so rude to me Pans" Eve whined. "Good to see you too pansy, I just came here to look at another pet, but none of them were interesting" Mattheo said looking at Lyn before talking. Both Lyn and Mattheo were keeping eye contact until Mattheo spoke "Can't even stop looking at each other" Blaise muttered fake gagging. "This was them when they first met, imagine how lovey dovey they are now" Draco said causing both of them to gasp at them and deny everything."Mattheo ridde, the person who saved you from falling" He said putting his hands out. "Evelyn Potter, the person who fell and is saying thank you for saving me" Eve said accepting his hand. Lyn remembered that, the minute they touched she felt a spark of electricity."Well I've got to go Lynnie, Pans, see you two at hogwarts" He said not even sparing Pansy a glance and just focusing on Eve. "It's like I'm not even there" Pansy said shaking her head. "You to Matty" Lyn said giving him a nickname too."He would kill the person that called him that, but luckily he loved you ever since that moment" Theo said causing Mattheo to blush and Lyn to poke his cheeks and laugh. "Well that was interesting" Pansy said wiggling her eyebrows at the dark-haired witch. "She's acting like we slept together and she found out" Mattheo told Lyn. Lyn blushed bright red. "Stop it Pans, lets go find us a pet" she said trying to avoid the topic."I thought you would love talking about him looking as you always do" Daphne said with a teasing tone. "Hello young ladies, what do you have in mind" The shopkeeper asked. "I just want an owl" pansy said nonchalantly. "BORING" Theo and Daphne said in Chorus. Lyn looked around and she found a dog. It was a Dalmation. It looked at her, and she looked back as there was some kind of connection. "Of course there's a connection between the big scary dog, and the Dalmatian" Blaise said causing an offended Lyn and a laughing hall. "I am not a dog, That's Matty" Lyn said with a smirk towards Mattheo."She is a hard one, I'm surprised she took a liking to someone" the shopkeeper said with shock in her tone. "Everyone likes Lyynie" Draco said ruffling the said girls hair."I'll take her" Eve said finally breaking eye contact with the dog. The shopkeeper gave her the dog on the house, due to the unfriendliness of the dog, and a leash. "Wow she must have been that desperate to get that dog out of there" A Slytherin said. "Lets go um......." She said thinking of a name. "Reaper" Eve said with a huge smile on her face. "Out of all the names possibly available in this universe" Blaise said earning a whack in the head by Lyn. "Pansy lets go get our wands" she said skipping with reaper while pansy let some distance between her and the dog. "You were scared of my dear Reap" Lyn asked with a gasp."Welcome Ms.Potter and Ms.Parkinson, I was just wondering when you would get here" the voice, I'm guessing olllivander, spoke as we walked in. "That man is really creepy" Ron shuddered. "Everything is creepy for that Weasley" Daphne said with distaste causing laughter to emerge from the Slytherin group. "Hello to you too" we both said in sync."Twinsies" Pansy and Lyn said. "Ms.Potter try this, 11 inch, dragon heartstring, and yew, and for Ms.Parkinson, 10 3/4, unicorn hair, and holly wood" he said giving us 2 wands. When Eve waved it the many boxes fell of in the back, and when Pansy waved it some glass broke. "That's way better than what happened when i waved mine" Draco said, and the hall had mummers of agreement. " i guess not here you both switch wands" he said thinking deeply. "He thought that much and the answer was the switch wands" Mattheo deadpanned. After they switched it still wasn't right cause this time Lyn swung the door open, and pansy threw the wand across the building. "Why did you just throw the wand when you could have given it back to him" Lyn asked as she didn't know this hapened. "I don't know, I just got a bad gut feeling" She responded shrugging. "Yea since we always listen to your gut feeling" Theo muttered under his breath with daphne hear, and whispered it to Lyn, who told Mattheo, who told Blaise, who told Draco, who told pansy, who whacked Theo. Just as he was about to get another wand Lyn started walking to a wand at the side of the room. It called to her, as she walked closer and closer she felt like it was tugging at her core. She grabbed the wand and the  everything felt magical. It felt like sunshine, but with power. " "Sunshine and rainbows with power" wow Lyn that is a really amazing feeling" Pansy said nudging her side."Curious curious i must say" He said scared. "Excuse me, but what's curious" Pansy asked as she had gotten her wand too."I didn't even get a thank you for talking when you were dazed wow" Pansy said with a scoff and fake disgust. 11", Dragon heartstring, and  snakewood. "Snakewood that is powerful" Dumbledore thought, but what he didn't know was that everyone in the Slytherin group had snakewood as their wood. "Well Ms.Parkinson, the wand that your friend is holding has 2 wand cores, moonstone and soulstone, and the wood is darkwood. The wand chooses their owner, and you got chosen by a very powerful wand Ms.Potter" he said explaining things that left me confused. This left the entire hall silent especially the potter's who were dazed. Their daughter was evil from what harry told, and this wand would only help her do bad things. "Umm ok well bye sir" Pansy said slightly weirded out. "Not even a thank you Pans, how would he feel" Theo asked with fake disappointment.After we parted Lyn went back to the orphanage, where she just laid down wanting to pack tomorrow. She thought about everyone and everything. Reaper, who is laying next to her, Pansy, her new friend, her mysterious powerful wand, and Mattheo, the boy she met. "You dream about me Lynnie" Mattheo asked teasingly. "No i just thought about you for a few days" She responded with tinted cheeks. "Your face says otherwise" Draco snorted. "Damn it" She cursed under her breath. "Don't worry my love, I thought about you too, a lot" Matty said moving her hair behind her cheeks and pecking her lips, causing Lyn to turn a brighter shade of red. Everyone laughed at her reaction, while she simply slapped Mattheo's hand away.


Sorry I didn't update, I was on a trip and i just got back yesterday. i hope you guys aren't mad with me. I wanna say a very deep thank you to the people who are voting and reading this book. I love you guys ❤️ 

This is her wand:

This is her wand:

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This is her Pet:

This is her Pet:

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~Bianca K.

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