Chapter 36

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*Sophie's pov*

A kiss on my forehead
One on both my cheeks
One on my nose
One on my neck
One on my shoulder
And finally a last one on my lips, the longest one.
That's how Tom wakes up on my birth day.
"Mhm" I sigh contentedly
"Morning birthday girl!" He chirps hugging me closer to his warm body
"You look so beautiful" he whispers
He kisses my shoulder again, then my neck and little by little travels to the top of my breasts, now on top of me
"Do we have time for this?" I ask him keeping the moans at bay, not knowing exactly at what time we need to show up at the orphanage
"We do" he says keeping his work up
"Than make slow love to me"
"That's my plan darling"
That's exactly how half our morning was spent on...but after a quick breakfast we drove to the place and met with the others.

"Happy birthday!!!" Everyone shouts once I step in the room they reserved for us
"Thank you guys! You are so sweet"
"This is a little something for you, it's not much"
"I don't care, it's very cute of you!" I tell them looking at the beautiful bouquet and inside a box where I find lots of Polaroids of us during the filming of avengers
"These are lovely, thanks!" I go and hug all of them
"How are you?" Scarlet says asking me
"Good thanks! You?"
"Good, I'm happy to see my girl again"
"I'm happy too!"
"Are you guys done stealing my wife..." Tom mumbles
"Jealous much brother?"
"Well...I think I'm going to see where I can settle down and let you guys get in costumes"
""See you later love" Tom says kissing my cheek

I ask where I can put all my stuff and once in the room I settle all my things down, taking the brushes out, the colors and everything I might need.
"Sophie!" I hear a child's voice say so I slightly turn
"Mackayla!" She comes at me and hugs me tight
"Hi love, how are you?"
"Good! What are you doing here?"
"Oh it's a secret...can you keep one?"
"Well me and my friends The Avengers are here today to have fun with all of you"
"Is Tom here too?"
"He is, want to go see him?"
"Can I?"
"Yes, come on" I say taking her little hand in mine and walking back to the room where the actors are getting ready.
"Everyone dressed?" I ask
"Come in!" Robert says
"We have a little guest...Tom look who I found!" I say letting Mackayla step in front of me
"Darling!" He says coming over to us and crouching down to hug her "it's good to see you again!"
"You too, the costume is so cool!" She says to him
"Thank you!"
"Care to explain guys?" Mark asks
"Sorry...she's Mackayla we met at the airport she was lost and we helped her"
"Hi!" She says waving to everyone
"Hi cutie!"
We talk a bit and then I go back to my spot and send the little girl off to the rest of the kids promising her we will spend more time together later.

"Ok, kids come here! Today we have seven eight special guests!"
"Yay!!!" All of them scream
"We've got Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Loki and the best makeup artis in London Sophie!"
Everyone cheers and applauds when we are announced by the head caregiver
"Today is a very special day for all of you, but even for Sophie here, it's her birthday"
"Happy birthday Sophie!" The little kids scream
"Thank you, you all are so cute!"

The planned activities start and after chit chatting with their favorite heroes the kids, one by one walk to my station and tell me what they want me to paint on their faces.
"I want cap!" A little boys says to me, he looks like he's six, dark blond hair and blue eyes, just like Chris Evans
"Evans I think we've got the next captain America here!" I tell him
"Oh he's my little copy!" He says once he's taken a good look of him "high five champ!"
The day goes on like that and I get to have a bit more time with Mackayla once we sits in front of me
"Who do you want to be?"
"You like the bad guy?"
"The costume is very very cool! And he has magic!"
"I guess he's pretty awesome"
I start doing her make up and then she asks me if I can put gold glitters here and there to make everything look a bit more girly
"All done, do you like it?"
"I love it, thank you!" She says hugging me
"You are welcome sweety, want to go show Tom?"
"Go he's over there talking to Robert"
I watch her as she sprits off and hear their conversation
"Tom! Look look!"
"Oh my, a little lady Loki! You look so cute!" He says picking her up
"Thank you, can we take a photo?" She ask him "it's okay if we can't" she adds
"Of course we can darling, I'd be crazy not to! Here Robert will take it for us" he says handing his phone to Robert
"One on my Polaroid too?" She says handing it to Robert
"Of course honey, now smile!" He takes a few ones and call me over
"One with the artist!" He says taking another one for tom and one for here
Her legs around Tom's waist, an harm around his neck and the other around mine...the perfect shot!

After the awesome day with the kids they cast get changed into normal clothes and after a little drink we all go back to our places, some of them take a flight back home, some will wait a few days, but lucky for us we only have a short drive.

Once showered and in our pjs we lay in bed, close to ne another, his hand playing with my hair while we enjoy being in a comfortable silence.
After a bit I look at him, he seems to be lost in thought, just like I was until a few seconds before
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I quietly ask him
"If you're thinking about wanting to adopt Mackayla then yes...have you seen how her eyes were sparkling today, I want to see her eyes like that for the rest of my life"
"I love you" I tell him
"Does this mean we were thinking the same?"
"Yes" I say
He brings me flushed to him and kisses me with so much passion I might burst.

Tell me if you are liking this book, I think feedbacks can really help improve my writing.
Anyway hope you like this chapter and that you have a wonderful day!❤️

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