Chapter 3: M&B Tours!

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So! This is kind of a filler chapter, and I don't even know if it's very long, but more is coming! I have big plans for this story! Big plans I tell you! Big! Hahahah!!! But I dedicate this chapter to @LuceNEVERTRUSTADUCK because she's making a sequel to Finding Alison which you need to check out right now! It's amazing and i love it! I've been waiting to see if she would make a sequel to it ever since she stopped writing it! So yay!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Woo hoo!!!


*Dreeeeeam!!!/ Flashbaaaack!!!!* "Jane? Janie! Janie wake up!" Niall whispered. I knew his voice anywhere. Why wouldn't I? I had heard it for the last fifteen years of my life.

"Huh?" I asked popped my head up and knocking it with Niall's. "Ow...why did you wake me up?"

"I'm hungry!" He smiled his goofy smile and I laughed. "You're always hungry!"

"Drive me somewhere? I want food!"

"Are you crazy? I just have my learner's permit! I'm not allowed to drive without an adult in the car!" I sat up and gave a nervous look. He returned my look with begging puppy dog eyes and I caved. "Fine, let's go."

"Yay! Janie, you are the best!" Niall cheered dragging me to the garage.

*Cue amazing mission impossible sneaky spy music* "We are going to get in so much trouble if we're caught!" I shivered stepping into the cold garage.

"Don't worry we won't! And if we do I'll take the blame."

We got in the car and I slowly pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road. "Well, now that we're out where do you want to go?"


I laughed and Niall turned up the radio to hear a random song. "Does Nando's have take out?"

"Everything has take out! Why wouldn't it have take out?" Niall asked.

"Of course it does!"

"See, this is why I love you!"


"Because you are the only person who will take me to get food in the middle of the night despite how much trouble you'll get in if you're caught!"

"You made me do this!" I pulled up to Nando's and parked.

"No, I asked you to and you said yes."

"No, I'm pretty sure you made me!"

"But you love me!" Niall said pointing to me. I couldn't argue with him.

"Yes, Niall, of course I do. But you're paying for our Nando's!" I laughed and ruffled his hair.

* Dream/ Flashback Overrrrrr*

My eyes snapped open and I realized that it was just a dream. I remember than, too. We had gotten caught, but Niall had done as he promised and took the blame. The poor boy couldn't eat Nando's for a week.

I got up and put on my blonde wig that I realized had probably been taken off by Macy after I- Oh yea! I fainted! One Direction is here!

Once my wig was on I ran down stairs screaming and jumped into the closest person's arms. "You're here!" I shouted and realized it was Niall. Totally cliché right? I agree.

"Hello there!" Niall laughed keeping me in his arms.

"Uh, I mean, you're all here!" I blushed awkwardly and jumped down from Niall's arms. "I'm really happy you're here!"

"Hey, Bells! I was just about to give them the tour! You wanna help?" Macy asked giggling a bit at my embarrassment.

"Sure! Right this way!" I happily said and everyone gathered around Macy and me.

"Hello! And welcome to M&B tours! Please keep all hands and feet inside the cart or we will hurt you and please keep all questions until the end of the tour! Any questions?" Macy said in a fake cheery voice.

Louis raised his hand and Macy and I both said, "No questions until the end!" and he snapped his hand down.

"Yay! Ok let's get going!" I said. We started walking and first I showed them the living room. "Here you see the living room where you are welcome to watch tv, play music, play wii, board games, or pretty anything you please as long as it does not involve physical violence! Which is never the answer!"

"Next, you will see the kitchen which contains most of the snacks and ingredients known to man due to Bells and I's cooking obsession. And to answer a question that I know is in all of your brains, no we will not cook for you!" Macy said as we walked in and out of the kitchen. Through the whole tour Macy and I talked in way too happy tour guide voices which made us have to keep ourselves from laughing.

Macy, the lads, and I walked up the stairs and I explained, "At the moment, we are passing through the resident bedroom hall which consists of five bedrooms including our bedrooms, but not including yours which are on the third floor." I pointed to my bedroom then Macy's and added, "Those are rooms you are to never go into unless invited in because those rooms are where beautiful people sleep such as: Macy and I." I smiled and cocked my head then walked on.

Our group walked passed our rooms and Macy and I shouted, "Freeze!" then turned around to find Zayn trying to get into one of our bedrooms. "Off." I commanded and he put his hands behind his back and his head down in shame. "Good boy! Oh! And you may not sell our things!"

We went through the tour and showed them their rooms then went back down stairs to show them the backyard. "Now, we are back to the first floor, and have the honors of showing you the backyard." I opened the back door to hear the birds chirping and see the sun shining. Perfect.

"Before you lads run back to your rooms to change into your swimsuits, the backyard consists of a playground, outdoor pool, dance studio, recording studio, and work out room, and garden! Enjoy!" Macy smiled and I could tell her mouth was starting to hurt from all of the fake smiling as was mine.

"Now, you may run back to your rooms to change into your swimsuits and swim." I announced and I swear I could feel this wind as the boy ran back into the house to change. "Well, that went well." I nodded and Macy nodded with me.

"Yes, Janie, yes it did," she said since the boys were out of earshot.


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