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My brain hurts like someone banged a brick with bones on my head. I'm not even sure that's possibe, but it feels like it. If I had done that to a person, I would have named the brick Olaf and sang the entire Frozen soundtrack, so they would at least have had entertainment while I committed the action of giving their head a concussion with a brick.

Macy and Lucy, who I have recently figured out sleep in the exact same position, have been asleep on the couch since last night's concert. Lucky them! As for me, it's impossible to come up with any ideas for Operation Cupid(my codename for getting Louis and Daphne back together). I took a five hour nap and haven't had a wink since, the concert adrenaline still leaving left overs in my system.

Thankfully, I have beautiful scenery what with the snow falling lightly on the ground at each town we pass through.

The bus pulls up to a swanky looking hotel where the windows are frosted and are people everywhere. The rhythmic tapping of my pencil on my notebook as I sit at the table on the bus is interrupted by horns honking and people screaming outside.

"Good morning," Lucy says, practically radiating sunshine from her long nap when she sits up from the couch.

"Technically, it's noon," I laugh showing her the clock on my phone that says 12:13. I flip some pages over to a song I'd been working on to cover up my genius plan of nothing besides the title of it. "I made breakfast for lunch with a secret ingredient."

"Oh, food?" Macy asks eyeing the plates full of pancakes and eggs on the table next to me. I'm a pretty mean cook when I want to be. Especially when I have Disney music blasting into my ears. Now that is what I call inspiration my dears. That and I yell at my eggs that they're beautiful. Food has self esteem too!

"And what might the secret ingredient be?" Lucy walks to the table and sits across from me, immediately destroying the life of her food. "Cinnamon?" She quirks an eyebrow, pursing her lips to figure out what's different about the breakfast than any normal kind.

"Is it sugar?" Macy glances at the breakfast hopefully as she skips to the table. Someone had a good nap.

"Nope! The sound of horns honking every time we turn a corner!" I smirk. Lucy gives a glum look that at the same time makes me feel stupid, and I pass her the cinnamon, making her smile again. Thankfully, I'm an expert at knowing how to make a girl happy!

"That must mean we're in New York City!" Macy squeals, moving her hands and accidentally making a piece of egg fly off her fork and hit the window. "Oops!" she laughs as it slides down almost to the floor.

"Maybe Niall will get it when they barge in here after we get to the hotel," I point out, knowing it's probably true. Because I know it's true, I pick up the egg, and set it on a napkin for when he barges in looking for food. We all know it will happen.

"But I think we are at the hotel," Lucy looks out the window through the frost. "Yep," she confirms.

The hotel has flags with symbols above it's gold awning, and looks about a two hundred floors high, the top floor probably reserved for the guys. It looked nicer than a lot of the hotels we've stayed at, the managers not wanting it to be obvious where we were staying, but we thankfully convinced them to let us stay somewhere really nice this time.

"Which means..." I smile.

A knock sounds on the door, making the three of us jump. "Incoming!" Macy says worriedly.

A second doesn't pass before the door is banged opened, and there are five guys trashing my tour bus. And I just cleaned it.

"Oh! Food!" Niall doesn't hesitate, going straight for the eggs as I predicted. "And my gulfend!" he says with his mouth full, planting a kiss on my cheek.

Each of them taking a different place on the bus, mostly with their girlfriends, but if not then on the couch.

"Hi cuteness!" I giggle, ruffling his hair.

"Are you gonna eat that?" He points to my eggs with a glint in his eyes.

"Nope!" I laugh, pushing the plate towards him. He sits next to me, and I throw my notebook under the table.

"So we're in New York," Lucy states in disbelief.

"The city of lights," Liam points out.

"Great song inspiration!" Louis says.

"Way ahead of you," I twirl my pen, almost myself in the nose.

"Oh, you guys really should hear this song she's been working on," Macy squeals.

"And what's it called?" Harry asked with wiggling eyebrows, his arm around Lucy.

"Sing Me Your Secrets," I reply.


Author's Note

So I know that's super short, but I think prologues and epilogues should be shorter than chapters. And I have absolutely no inspiration left whatsoever. So....this story is complete! And there's gonna be a sequel! Yay!!!!!!!

I promise I will update more during the summer. I have rehearsals every night and homework every night (even on weekends), so just bear with me!

Love you!


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