Chapter 30: Jane is Your Name Isn't It?

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Jane/ Bella POV

The ride to the restaurant was almost silent. I have no idea why. Did it have something to do with what happened last night, but I don't know what.

"So where are we going again?" I say trying to break the silence that is somehow also filled with tension.

"Sebastien's," Louis says next to Lucy who won't look me in the eyes, "it's a new seafood restaurant they invited us to come to."

"So did they name that after The Little Mermaid?" I laugh.

"I guess it's possible," Liam smiles to Macy. They've always been cute together.

"You'll have to ask the owner," Zayn says on the other side of Louis.

"So how do you feel?" Harry asks me, his eyes daggers at Niall with his arm around me. Hm.

"Better," I nod. "I still don't remember what happened last night, but it couldn't have been too bad or else you guys would've told me." Silence. More silence. "Right?"

A few moments of silence seep through the air before Louis shouts,"Oh look!" Louis points out the window of the car to a blue, wooden building with the name Sebastien's in fancy letters on a sign.

Once we're all out of the car, I notice it's raining and Niall pulls me to his side. I smile to him while he takes off his jacket and puts it over our heads as the others get out. And it seems to be getting colder by the minute.

"Come on, lads," Liam ducks his head under his hands in the rain. Macy raises her eyebrows at him and he laughs. "And ladies." Lucy nudges him when she walks past him with Louis.

"Hello," says a petite little blonde girl at the front podium. She's probably around seventeen, but looks no more than fourteen, and her black and white uniform gives me the impression that she never lies. Her name tag says Melody.

"Oh," Melody notices our faces after lifting her head from a clipboard. "Hi! Wow." Melody shakes her head while looking between her normal clipboard and us famous people. "Never thought this would happen when I took this job."

"Uh, hi," Lucy laughs. That's the first time I've seen her laugh today. I still can't figure out what's going on with her.

"Uh, um." With Melody still in shock I walk over and give her a side hug, which I hope didn't make it worse.

"Could we maybe have a table?" I keep my arm around her shoulders. She nods blankly.

"Yes," Melody seems to come back out of la la land. "Follow me!"

She leads us to a table in the back, away from the crowd, and sets down menus at each seat or us. "Should I tell anyone you're here?" Melody asks after setting down the last menu.

"Thank you for respecting our privacy," I smile to her. She looks pale. Oh gosh, maybe I shouldn't talk.

"Could you not, just until after we leave?" Liam asks touching her shoulder before sitting down next to Macy. Melody's shoulders tense even after he takes his hand off. I take out my phone.

"Excuse me," I ask a passing waiter. The waiter looks like Melody, with his black and white, but the similarities end there. "Could you take our picture?"

"Uh, sure," the waiter nods, taking my phone.

"Come, come." I take Melody's hand and lead her behind the table where everyone has sat down. "Smile everyone."

"Oh my gosh," Melody gasps.

The waiter snaps the picture just as I got everyone's attention. After I'm holding my phone back in my hands, I promise to Melody that I would post the picture after we left, so she could have it.

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