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It all happened so fast.

So fast, they couldn't stop it.

They were running towards an exhausted looking Hiccup to help him with a few one-on-one fight he was in. His opponent proved to be a real good fighter, skilled in strength and speed despite his bulky figure. Hiccup, however, was one of the best fighters Berk and the surrounding islands had ever seen after Toothless had trained him to be swift and use stealth as a great advantage. But Hiccup had been brawling non-stop for only Gods know how long. His muscles were burning and felt like noodles, and his knees shook while his hands trembled to keep his grip on the small dagger, as light as it was. His breathing was large gasps and his chest heaved as he moved sloppily.

He was too worn out to win.

Toothless had been getting rid of the surrounding men that continued to go for Hiccup. He kept his senses on Hiccup and immediately started to head towards his rider when his breathing patterns changed to quickly for the worst.

Hiccups opponent found a lucky opening and he drove his own sword into Hiccups side. The blade imbedded itself into Hiccup's flesh and tore through muscle into his nervous system. Toothless had screeched so loud that that one would mistake the dragon was the one who was stabbed. The dragon flung his wings and chomped his teeth, killing any man who stood in his way as he sprinted over to Hiccup.

Hiccup had fallen to his knees and his opponent, a large, malicious smirk spreading across his lips, stepping back to admire his work. He would be greatly served for the boy's defeat.
Toothless ran into him at full speed. Rage, revenge, and hurt was the only thing present in the dragons eyes as he ripped his enemy to shreds. The man deserved it. It didn't matter who the man was, the only thing that mattered to Toothless was mauling the man to death for hurting his best friend.

The man's body wasn't recognizable when Toothless was finished.

Toothless ran over to Hiccup, who lied back from falling. Astrid was hovering above him, brushing his hair out of his eyes whispering encouraging things. Toothless could tell that she was not only trying to reassure Hiccup, but also herself. He could see the shiny, wet trails on her cheeks and smelled the saltiness of tears. Snotlout was already killing any man that came close to them and screaming for anyone to get a healer. Even though Snotlout was tense and mean to Hiccup on the outside, he had great loyalty to his cousin, and hadn't wanted anything to get close to him, now injured. There were barely any men left from the unknown tribe that had attacked them. They were soon all dead, left on the ground near the edge of the Berk village, heading into the woods.

Hiccup was not looking good. His face was pale, his lips the same colour as his skin. He blinked slowly and tried shaking his head many times to get rid of the swirling colours that were his friends. Blood pooled around his side and covered the grass beneath him and none of them cared that bodily fluids were getting all on them. What mattered was getting Hiccup back to safety.
They hadn't seen Stiock in a while, but they had to save the bone chilling thought for later.

Toothless was already speaking to Hiccup, trying to tell him that he was alright. Hiccup seemed like he was trying to hear something, but there was no pre-collection on his face that he heard what they were saying.

Toothless would do anything for his rider, his best friend. He was his, and his only.

So he did what all thought was the impossible.

He called out to the Gods Hiccup always told him about and his dragons ancestors in hope they would help him. He knew it was such a human thing to do, but he needed reassurance. This was going to hurt Hiccup, and Hiccup needed to be prepared.

"Hiccup! You need to listen to me!" He called out and he saw a flicker of notice go across his rider's face. His heart soared with hope. "I'm going to save you. The healer isn't going to be here soon enough. This is going to hurt, okay?"

Hiccup looked at him like he had grown two heads, which was inappropriate for the situation, but Toothless ignored him. He waited the soft "okay" that left Hiccup's lips and began.

It was only a myth. It was only a tale that dragons would tease each other with.

Toothless focused, and, at first, nothing happened. He spread his wings and the soft blue began to glow in spirals around his spinal fins and his nose and his mouth as power shifted inside him. He stood over Hiccup and slowly, so slowly, pressed his nose to his forehead.

He didn't notice or care that all the teens and other Vikings had backed up. They watched with curiousness and tear filled eyes at what was happening.

The wound on Hiccup's side started to close, the skin melting back together with only a faint scar left. Gashes and cuts disappeared, the bleeding stopping. His breathing evened and Toothless could tell that he had fallen into unconsciousness.

Toothless was glad Hiccup wasn't awake to feel the pain.

Toothless turned Hiccup over to his stomach so the boy was lying on his stomach, arms splayed about. The rising sun peeked over the boy's shoulders and illuminated his cheek.

There was the distinct sound of a sickening rip as two large objects tore through Hiccup's shirt. There was collective gasping and some screams of complete shock. Hiccup's face was contorted in pain and Toothless produced crooning sounds that had always comforted the boy. Hiccup's face relaxed some, but his brow still furrowed. His wings held beautiful, unscathed scales that practically shined.

There was another rip as Hiccup's slick tail sprouted right between the bottoms of his hips. More scales appeared on his wrists, his neck, and trailing around his ears to his hairline. Flappy ears popped out on the sides of his head, poking through his auburn locks. There was another pained Yelp as his shirt arched around his spine, no doubt where his spinal fins were.

When the transformation was done, Toothless didn't spare a glance at any of the shocked and awe-filled stares of the other Vikings and gently carried Hiccup home, continuing to comfort the boy with his purring, whispering assuring things to his rider that had fallen into a deep sleep, a peaceful expression on his face.

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