Somewhere Far From Berk...

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The fog traveled through the volcanic-like island that was left in the middle of the frosty sea. Wild dragons fought around the southern and eastern ends, as there were large caverns and small amounts of forestry. No food was wasted around this island.

"Sluggar! I think I've found somethin' ova here!" A bulky man yelled out. His armour was made of iron that looked rough and ruined, and by the looks of it, hard to find.

Sluggar followed the bulky man, along with five others whom all looked the same. They had found a Scauldron who looked as if it was about to die.

"Don't Scauldron's belong in water?" Sluggar said. "Splash water on it, but slice a wing off! We don't want it to get away!" A few men looked at Sluggar, dumbfounded.

"Well we don't want it to die for the chiefess, now do we? She said to capture one type of every dragon spotted, no matter what it takes! Now, appointed as dragon build leader, you simpletons better LISTEN!" It was obvious that he had anger management issues, but all the men were generally stupid. They got to work, hearing the dragon roar in pain.

"Stop, please!" It would yell in Dragonese to the man who was about to cut off one of his most delicate body parts. "Why would you-" it screeched again, but felt heavily dizzy due to the terrible blood loss, limb out of contact, and being out of the water for so long. The group tied ropes all around it and kept buckets of water so that it would stay alive, and not die in their tracks. The dragon was large, and other Vikings had come to help.


A large crevasse concealed with wooden doors, and outlined with an iron fence was where they lived. They continued to an arena: a dragon killing arena. The Scauldron was placed in a cage with a large bowl of water. It had awoken, and drank as much as it could.

"You cut off it's WING?!" The Chiefess Nervana said. She stared down at him, angry about what happened to the beautiful dragon with a wing missing, blood pouring out.

"These dragons can loose there legs, and eye if you will, but it still has to be able to FLY!" She sighed at their stupidity.
"Madam, may I ask why you need all these dragons?" Sluggar asked, not knowing his leaders plan.

"I want to train them, Sluggar. But the only way to train them, is with that boy on Berk. These dragons are only apart of my master plan." She said in her normal raspy voice. An evil-like laugh followed. He did the same.

A light snowfall covered the island as the Vikings planned something horrendous.

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