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Flying took longer then expected. Nightfall was around the corner, and Hiccup could only manage to lift his wings ever so slowly as a tortoise crossing a bridge, and to repeatedly do this would be quite tiring at his stage of learning. The two best friends had decided to go home to take a rest, Hiccup especially. Although he admired his newly detailed looks, from wings to ears, tail to scales, it took some getting used to. For more than fourteen years of his life he was a scrawny boy, the one that couldn't even defend himself without needing to use Toothless to train or protect him. But now, everything was different.

Hiccup latched his foot into the saddle, and with a small amount of thrust, Toothless shot up into the air gracefully. The gusts of wind that gives an extra boost of speed, running through a vast landscape of clouds in the starry, midnight sky. Flight was like a sign of freedom, and was truly exhilarating no matter who was able to feel such amazement.

"Why do you think that tribe attacked Berk?" Hiccup asked. The question had been at the back of his mind for a while.

"Berk is such a developed island, more so than many others. It was probably an attack from a starving, Viking island, one where food is scarce and doesn't have many ways to fill everyone's needs," Toothless replied, taking a short minute to come up with an answer. Toothless knew it was something else, the way a majority of the Vikings came after him and his best friend. The way they fought, everything. But he couldn't have Hiccup feeling guilt for something he never earned. He didn't want Hiccup to think that many of the women and men that fought in the destructive attack, died with homes burnt to a crisp, and the wounded was all his fault.

"You're probably right," Hiccup agreed, and with that they were slowing down to land in the main square of the village. The landing was smooth and steady; and Hiccup couldn't wait to try all of it after he built up the muscle. He stepped off of Toothless and looked at all of the stars, said to be gifts from Oden the God after the people had served him for thousands of years. Hiccup slowly walked over to his home, reminding him of his father in a deep sleep. It seemed like he was given a gift, but only from others suffer. Toothless followed Hiccup, being as optimistic as he could from noticing how Hiccup was feeling, his ears displaying his emotions by the way they were tilted and positioned.

"He will get better," Toothless reassured him, and his ears relaxed a bit.

Hiccup and Toothless entered the house and scurried quietly upstairs and into his bedroom, where Hiccup noticed many everyday life challenges were coming up ahead.

How was he supposed to sleep in his bed with wings and a tail?

He stopped the curious expression creeping onto his face and ignored the question, knowing Toothless needed rest from taking care of him.

Hiccup laid on his stomach for hours, thinking about new ideas that he could do with Toothless. He knew he needed sleep, but his mind wouldn't turn off- and he didn't want to sleep, either. Although he tried not to show it- he was secretly scared of why such a massive attack had landed to Berk, and if he fell asleep, he didn't know what would happen. So many questions needed to be answered, puzzles needed to be solved. He heard footsteps. Rough, yet feminine at the same time. Hiccup thought someone was coming up the stairs, but remembered about his new senses.

It must've been someone outside.

He quietly lifted his blanket that lay atop of him, and slowly touched each foot to  the ground. Hiccup glanced at Toothless. Not a flinch, just small sounds of snoring, which was incredibly cute. Each step made him tense up even more, trying to use his hearing to detect any creaking wooden planks. His tail had started to drag from his drowsiness, but as soon as the sound was picked up his tail lifted, hovering as he quickly stepped down the stairs, seeing his father's eyes closed by the burning out fire. He moved fast towards the door now that he was on the main floor, sneaking out of the door.

Hiccup's senses were much easier to control then lifting his wings and tail, or creating plasma blasts from his hands. He wondered if he could ever do what Toothless could in the dark to be able to see, but the star and moonlight were just enough to see the path that the walker was headed. He knew he could use his sense of smell to detect of where the strange, moonlight drifter was headed, but being a detective on Berk reminded him of the years after him and Toothless met, with defending Berk and defeating the Outcasts and the Berserkers.

Five minutes in, and there she was; Astrid, sitting at the edge of a hill, looking over the main square of Berk and out to sea. He approached her, Astrid already knowing that he was there. Hiccup sat down with her, feeling awkward but at home at the same time. Her face was a blank, but sorrow drifted into her eyes. Hiccup couldn't believe that he had forgotten.

"I'm so sorry," he said to her. A tear ran down her face, and dropped onto the ground; it had felt like slow motion.

"I guess we all lost something that day," her lips quivered, trying to hide the pain inside of her heart. Hiccup's wings had started to shift around as she shivered in the dark. His wing closest to her wrapped around like a black, heavy blanket. He didn't know how it was happening, but thankfully she grabbed the edge of the scaly limb and pulled it in, her cradling next to him.

"I know I don't show it," she started, "But I'm scared. I'm scared of what will happen if they take my mom away too. I don't want that to happen, Hiccup. Please don't let them take her life too," she said, and collapsed onto his scaly hard chest, tears pouring out of her. He pet her blonde head, the strands of hair feeling so soft against his hands.

After minutes had past, Hiccup and Astrid had stood up. her mood had changed from sorrow to rage, and he just knew it.

"I want them to pay," she started, hands turning into fists. He tried to calm her down.

"Astrid that's crazy talk right now."

"No it isn't. C'mon Hiccup. We're finding-"

"We find the tribe, then what? We kill them? Astrid, you're being a hypocrite. If we plan a surprise attack, destroy their homes and take whatever we want, then we'd be no better than that tribe who tried to destroy us. Yes, your dad died from the fight; but he's in a better place now. He left without pain, and fought as good as the gods in the sky. Astrid, the last thing he would want you to do is walk into a death trap to earn revenge," Hiccup's empathy for Astrid was extremely strong. Although he didn't want to say it, the words had to be said.

"I'm sorry Hiccup. It's just... It's so real. And it happened to fast-"

"I know," He finished, remembering about his mom. She was taken by a dragon when he was little, and unfortunately had never gotten the chance to even remember what she looked like. "But it will get better."

They walked back to their homes as the sun's luminous glow had started to appear. Hiccup could finally go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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