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When Hiccup woke up three days later, he was severely confused. He was wrapped in Toothless' arms, pulled up to his chest, his wings cocooned around them. Toothless, although not sleeping at all, had not left at all. He only ate once when Astrid practically shoved a cod down his throat. The teenagers visited once, sometimes twice, a day. Stoick was gravely injured. His had gotten slashed in the arm with an axe and received a hard knock to the head with a hammer. While very hard headed, Stoick still remained asleep, though not in a coma, just a deep unconscious sleep triggered from the hammer. They weren't sure when he would wake up, but it was suspected to be a few more days.

They weren't sure how he was going to react.

Toothless had noticed a change of breathing pattern in Hiccup, but still held him close, not only in case the boy wanted to sleep more, but Toothless found an irrational fear that tickled the back of his mind. He was so, so angry with himself. How could he have let Hiccup get hurt? He was supposed to protect him. But he was too slow.

But more importantly, how would Hiccup feel about his new body?

Toothless had played many scenarios out in his head. Hiccup was a pretty patient person, but sometimes he wasn't. He didn't jump to conclusions. He didn't have a large temper unless he finally blew a fuse and let everything out. Toothless knew just about everything about Hiccup, but he was at complete loss of how Hiccup would react.

What if Hiccup banished him? What if Hiccup told him to leave? Oh Gods. He could never. Not only would he not to be able to fly, but he couldn't live without Hiccup. Hiccup was like an attachment, his left of him. His rider was part of him. He wouldn't be able to live. He would die. He just couldn't.

Hiccup's whole body was sore, and he felt like he got hit with the Red Death's tail over and over again. He took a deep breath and patted Toothless on the shoulder to let him out. Slowly, Toothless' wings and legs unraveled around him, but Toothless stayed where he was next to him. Hiccup's eyes adjusted to the very small light produced by the warm fire in the corner. He was in his house. Why was he in his house?

"Toothless?" His voice was raspy and his throat was raw. He only coughed.

"On the table." Toothless said softly.

Hiccup looked over to his bedside table and grabbed the glass of water that sat there. The cold liquid felt nice against his quenched throat and he had to remind himself not to drink too much.

When he lowered his hands on his lap, his eyes went with him. He shifted uncomfortably nonchalantly and almost yelped when a sharp pain the sparkled his shoulder blades. He tried to sit up, but his arms were shaky and his hands trembled from exhaustion. He looked down at his wrists and almost jumped out of his skin.

"Toothless?" He asked quietly, "What is...?"

He set the glass of water on the table and went back to observe his wrists. Black scales protruded out, trailing up to his elbow and getting smaller and smaller until there was only his skin left.

"Are these your scales?" He asked, feeling unsure.

Toothless shook his head slowly, as if hesitant. "No Hiccup, they're yours."

"What are you talking-"

"Hiccup," Toothless interrupted him, "you were dying, remember?"

"Yeah but-"

"There was no other way to save you."

Hiccup looked up at him, his mouth parted and brows furrowed the question. "What do you mean?"

Toothless looked at him with an utmost sympathetic expression, sadness playing in his emerald eyes.

"I'm sorry," Toothless said, and Hiccup could hear a strong emotion pulling through. "If your mad, be mad at me. It's my fault, but there was no other way to save you. The healer couldn't have gotten there in time and the stab was to fatal. You were going to die."

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