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Hiccup slowly walked back in with Toothless, him holding onto his head for balance. The new body parts-although feeling natural- still in a way felt abnormal to him. His tail moved back and forth, surprisingly on its own. He wasn't sure what to think of his new ears, and possibly any new characteristics he may have picked up.

Hiccup grabbed his shirt, and fussed when he was trying to put it on. It had rips on the back, which was why Hiccup grabbed the torn thing in the first place. Toothless watched at Hiccup's frustration, and felt slightly sorry for the new troubles that he may have to encounter.

"I have one question," Hiccup said, Toothless helping to pull his wings out from the tattered tunic. "How much dragon essence did you put in me?"

Toothless stopped in his tracks. Truth was, he had no idea what that answer was either. All he knew was that it was just enough to convince him that Hiccup would be cured, and defend himself more efficiently. "I don't know."

Hiccup wasn't angry with him, but sighed unhappily. He wished to know if there was anything else than just the physical evidence of the essence. They continued to walk to the doorway.

Hiccup opened it, and carefully walked outside, letting go of Toothless and strolling on his own, waking up from the fresh air. Berk looked slightly damaged, but seemed mostly repaired. Hiccup had questioned of how long he was asleep, but didn't bother to ask. Many of the Vikings stared at him as he continued to step outside. Astrid, however, instantly ran over to Hiccup and kissed him deeply. At least Hiccup didn't have fangs, but when she leaned, Hiccup almost fell over, only to be held back up by Toothless. Hiccup's tail curled around her, but they both didn't notice until she unlocked the small make-out reunion.

Astrid looked down and saw the slick black tail rapped around her waist, and tried to unravel it. She attempted to not show the slight fear that she had now noticed of Hiccup, but quickly got over it when he was slightly creeped out by the new gesture too.

Hiccup pulled the strong tail back, blushing in embarrassment. The young boy had now caught the attention of everyone, and had wondered at which part of his out coming was to why they were staring. Toothless, on the other hand, laughed at the sight of the two love birds who attempt to make their love a secret, but sometimes dispersed it to the world. No doubt, everyone came running to him, curious to what happened, how it happened, and why it happened - not all the Vikings were there to see Hiccup's transformation when Toothless inserted the dragon essence. Little did they know, Hiccup still was slightly shaky, as he had just woken up.
"How did it happen?" Some said.
"Hiccup, we all thought you were DEAD!" Others mentioned.
Hiccup's eyes turned into those of a Night Fury's, and his ears went straight up, obviously out of fear. Of course some of these questions he could answer, but not all of them. Hiccup stuttered as he tried to spit out words. Vikings were touching Hiccup's wings in curiosity, others touching his tail. He felt all the hard hands touching his delicate new limbs, still hurting from being grown. He then felt a sudden tug on his arm, and was pulled out of the crowd harshly. The Vikings tried to follow, but Toothless stopped them in their tracks. He then stepped over to Hiccup, going by his side.

"So, when are you gonna help us speak dragon... Dragon... Hiccup," Tuffnut said, distracted at Hiccup's new look. Hiccup remembered that right before they were attacked, Hiccup was going to teach them the practice of the dragon's language. Ruffnut, on the other hand, eyeballed him as if he were something on display.

It lasted fairly long.

An awkward feeling and silence pulling through.

Tuffnut pulled Ruffnut from the daze, then pushing her hard on the ground. He laughed hard, but she came back up and kicked him in the knee.

"Oh, the knee cap... That's a new one. I like it," Tuffnut said distinctively. Astrid then ran over, the crowd now separated, and broke the awkwardness that was now placed between him and the twins.

"Dragon Academy? Let's go and you can teach us there." She said cheerfully. Hiccup looked at her happily, awaiting for a flight with Toothless.


Sorry about the reeeaaalllyyyy short chapter! I just kind of wanted to get this out there, and hopefully get more reads as I progress through this story. I had major writers block when I was writing this so I would also like it if there are any readers out there, if I could possibly bring in the ideas from you guys?

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