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Im back again with a Phoenix hybrid Tommy 😜

Tommy stared at the wall in his little cell. After Dream had found his hidden items, Dream took him to his 'house' and locked him up in some basement with a cell.

Weird right? Apparently Dream wasn't homeless.

Tommy basically lived off of cockroaches since Dream practically forgot about him. It's been 2 years or whatever anyway.

Dream knew enough to keep all the sharp things and anything Tommy could possibly hurt himself with away, since 'he needed the kid'.


He didn't need Tommy. He just found joy in holding him hostage, in destroying his mental health over and over again.

He didn't have anything but a book, a book that probably could kill a person if it could walk and talk.

All his anger and sadness was in that book, written by his own hands. Sometimes, the ink was red. But that wasn't ink, Dream might've taken away all sharp things from him but you can't possibly take away the ground or the wall?

Tommy scraped his fingers against the wall, causing it to bleed and bleed. With nothing to do, Tommy wrote with his own blood in the book.

He wasn't sure why, but he wasn't sure of anything anymore.

He was convinced that Tubbo didn't care anymore, neither did his family.

But Tubbo had a compass, if it wasn't destroyed like Dream said so. So if the brown haired male wanted to find Tommy, he could.

But he didn't, he didn't even search.

Tommy sat there, literally rotting in the crappy cell of the stupid basement.

Maybe thats why everyone thinks Dream is homeless, because he hardly if not never goes there.

The only thing Tommy could do to at least move a bit was sit up and sit back down.

He was chained by his ankle, with bedrock chains. Not sure how the green bastard had these, but Tommy was stuck forever.

Tommy hadn't seen light in forever. The silent starting to sound louder than explosions. He only had some lantern that was magical. I mean, it burned for 2 years straight.

Being alone all this time caused Tommy to quite literally see things that weren't there. For example the shadow figures in the corner of the room, staring down at him in pity.

The shadow figures were creepy as hell, but they didn't scare Tommy. Maybe that's why he didn't go completely insane yet, because he felt comfortable with the shadows. Or maybe he is insane and just doesn't know it, or see it. Whatever

Tommy knew for a fact his family hadn't given up on him. He hid it from everyone, but he heard voices. Voices that were oddly connected with techno's voices.

Sometimes, what techno heard, Tommy heard aswell.

Those times Tommy only heard them screaming about how techno should find him, how he should bring back their Theseus.

It was as if the voices lost Tommy aswell, as if they didn't know If he was alive or not.

Tommy often thought he was sick, mentally sick. I mean, seeing things that probably weren't there and hearing shit in your head means schizophrenia, right?

Tommy was convinced everyone but his family hated him. At least everyone but techno.

Nobody knew, but he was also a nether hybrid.  A Phoenix hybrid, considered as one of the nether rulers. Or even THE nether ruler.

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