2:hideing in cornors and shadows

16 1 0

You sat towards the corner of the living room on the floor half trying to hide from the gaze of the proxy sitting on the couch although he knew you were there along with the few others in the room,EJ told you to wait there cause he had to talk to some one in private.

You hoped and hoped he would come back soon and hug you and tell you it was gonna be okay,being in a room alone with the others made you so anxious and scared you felt like throwing up.

Every so often one of the people in the room would say something about you and one with black hair and a white hoodie with big slices on his face would throw stuff at you or threaten you with knifes,he even went as far as to grab you off the floor and hold your arms behind you as he held a knife up close to your face "I recommend you leave real soon lover boy"

His grin sickened you as the venom in his voice also did but you just nodded and he dropped you to the floor and went back to what he was doing,you quickly curled up on the ground trying to even your breathing but it ended up just escalating things worse as all the threats from the others in the room quickly pushed you over in to a panic attack

As if nothing happened EJ sat down next to you and kissed the top of your head "hey love,sorry I took a little long"he wrapped an arm around you"you wanna go back up to our room?"you could bring your self to speak not being able to breath so you quickly nodded burying your face in his neck

He helped you up and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and walked with you up the stairs to your shared room,as you both walked he wiped away some tears from your cheek "it's okay,you did a good job waiting where I told you .I love you okay?don't cry,nothing bad will happen to you"he opened the door and let you before closing it behind the two of you.

He sat you down on the bed and sat next to you putting his arms loosely around you before putting his head on your shoulder, you slightly pulled away from him

" wha- do you not like cuddling with me?"he looked at you sadly

"No no I do I just-"

"Well that's not what I'm getting from this"he stood up to leave but you grabbed his arm

" no no not all i-i was just scared you were gonna get sick too..."he sat back down and you quickly cuddled up to him

He pulled you closer and rested his head on top of yours, you wanted so badly to push him away but he seemed so hurt that you pushed him away at first so against your good sense you stayed there in his arms.


"trust me my love~" EJ x readerWhere stories live. Discover now