9:trust me my love<3

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"Are you sure?" You nervously questioned EJ as he prepared his scoples

"Trust me my love, it'll be okay. You can even hold my hand" he gave a warm smile and held out his hand

You swallowed hard and took his hand "you ready?"you nodded and shut your eyes

You felt the blade as it cut though the skin and muscles in your leg, you squeezed his hand as tight as you could

You felt the warm blood as it oozed down the side of your leg, after he was done he wrapped up your leg and and tapped you on the shoulder " see that wasn't to bad right?"

"Yeah... It-it wasn't to bad I guess"
He helped you up and brought you down to the living room and sat you down in the couch "wait here I'll be back soon"

"Oh o-okay" you watched as he walked away, Toby jumped onto the couch next to you

"Sup man" he smiled as you laughed a little

"Hey Toby, you need something?" You tilted your head slightly relaxing

"I d-donno, do you maybe wanna see if we can find shit ou-out in the woods?" He smiled and raised and eyebrow

"Yeah sure"you smiled back at him, he got up and offered his hand to help you up

" nah I'm fine... "You struggled to stand up, quickly grabbing onto Toby's shoulder to sturdy yourself

" y-you good?"he grabbed your arms and held you you right

"Yeah I'm fine just a little wobbly" you laughed a little to your self

"If you say so" he lightly shrugged as you both continued walking

After every few steps you would either grab onto a wall, table or Toby to keep your self from falling

"Are you sure yo-your alright?" You nodded

"Yeah I'm alright im sure"he just looked at you for a minute before holding out his arm and smiled, you quickly held onto his arm as you both continued walking.


&quot;trust me my love~&quot; EJ x readerWhere stories live. Discover now