3:he says he loves so i know its true

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Most of the proxy's were gathered in the kitchen and living room since it was about the time everyone woke up,you held on to EJ's arm as you walked into the kitchen with him.

He ended up cooking food for you and had you sit down at the table,there was one or two other people at the table who glared at you but you pretended not to notice and just watched EJ make food.

He set down the food in front of you and smiled "you know I love you right?like reeeealy love you"he kissed your cheek and you slightly smiled as you ate the food

"Your probably the best thing to ever happen to me"he smiled back at you as the others got up from the table making fake gagging sounds" don't listen to those dumbasses ,they just haven't been in love before" he whispered and chuckled

"What about the fact they threaten to kill me all the time"you looked up from your food at him slightly worried

"Oh they don't mean it silly, plus I would never let anything happen to the love of my life"

You two were some of the only people left in the kitchen besides 1 or 2 people, EJ got distracted with something which ended with you being alone

"I can't believe EJ brought that little bitch into the manor" the voice came from one if the 2 in the room with you

"Little bitch?" You had a sudden rush of confidence as you stood up and looked at the 2 you were pretty sure were talking about you

Before you could react a metal pipe or what you guessed was a metal pipe hit you square in the faces knocking you backwards on to your ass

You held your face in your hands before hiding under the table from the 2,they left the room shortly after leaving you shaking under the table with a bloody nose

EJ came back from what he was doing and crouched down to look at you under the table "what are you doing?" He took your hand and pulled you put from under the table, you quickly hugged him keeping your  bloody nose away from his shirt

"What happened to your face?" He held your face in his hands

"T-these 2 in the kitchen.... They-they called me a little bitch so-so... So I called them ou-out and they threw something at me l-like a metal pipe or something and-and it hit my right in the face-" you stuttered out between sobs

"Are you sure you didn't just hit your face in the table or something? Maybe when you were going under it?"

"W-what... ? No I'm sure t-they threw something at me I swear!" You held on to his arms as you tried to convince him you were telling the truth

"Ok so let's just say that in this absence scenario that actually did happen, I mean they wouldn't have thrown something at you for not reason, you must have pissed them off or something"


"trust me my love~" EJ x readerWhere stories live. Discover now