Prologue Chapter 6: A Move-In Struggle

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With a grunt, Grim breathed one last cloud of fire, making the cobwebs on the ceiling go up like flashpaper.

The three ghosts shrieked, arms up in a desperate attempt to protect themselves.

"HWAAAAAAH-- W-We gotta get OUTTA here!" The small ghost cried, clutching its hat like it was trying to force its head inside it.

"At this rate, we'll all vanish for good-- hurry!" The skinny ghost urged, and the first two vanished in a final damp puff of vapor.

"R-Run for it!" The last ghost yelled-- not very helpful, since it was the only one left- and disappeared as well, one final wail of distress echoing off into silence.

The last of the flames died away, leaving the walls slightly charred and smoking.

Kat exhaled hugely, dropping into a seated position in the corner by the door.
She coughed a little, licking her lips.
GOD, she was thirsty...

Blinking, Grim looked around, ears swiveling.
"...Huh?" He said after a moment, cocking his head.
"No way... Did we.... Win?"

Kat couldn't help but laugh, taking her glasses off and scrubbing at her stinging eyes.
"It looks like it," she said, blinking hard. "That was amazing.... Thanks for your help, little guy."

"Hah.. Haah...."
Panting, Grim's shoulders slumped, and he fell into a sitting position, back paws sticking out adorably.
"Aw, man... I was scared outta my--"
Cutting himself off, he shook his head. "I-- I mean-- they didn't scare me one bit! They didn't stand a chance against Grim-Sama, the Great Magician-- ha ha!"

Jumping to his feet, he punched the air again.

"Well?! How'dya like THAT, ghosties?! That's right! I win!"

Kat snorted, then burst into laughter.

Leaning her head back against the wall, she laughed for a solid thirty seconds, then exhaled hugely.


She looked down, blinking-- Grim had just launched himself into her chest, throwing his front legs around her neck.
"We did it!" He cheered, jumping up and down in her lap. "We did it-- well, I mean..." He snorted.
"I did most a' the work, but you weren't so bad yourself, human!"

"Pfft-- Hahahaha!"
She laughed again, wrapping her arms around him and ruffling the fur on his head.   "Aw, thanks, buddy... I mean-- Grim-sama."

Her heart was still thudding in her ears...

Too late, she realized that it wasn't just her heart. Footsteps were coming up the path of stairs and onto the porch.

She scrambled up onto her feet, backing away from the door with Grim still held against her chest.

Whoever it was knocked smartly. Then, with a burst of sparkles, the chain and bolt slid back, and Crowley pushed the door open with his walking stick.

"Good evening!" He announced, beaming. A silver covered tray was balanced in his other hand.
"In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner... Ah!"

Looking around the hall, his face passed quickly from an expression of surprise to agitated exasperation.

"Wait a moment-- isn't that creature the monster that was responsible for the ruckus at orientation?! I thought I had it ejected from campus-- what is it doing here?!"
He pointed the walking stick accusatorily at Grim.

Straight-Up Not Having A Good Time At Night Raven College: Prologue Where stories live. Discover now