Prologue Chapter 10: Mutual Aggression

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"Totally cool, right? ....Nothing like some lame little raccoon I know, though."

"Myah?!" Grim yelped, eyes widening.

"Pfft..! Aha.... AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Ace burst into hysterical laughter, doubling over and clutching his stomach.

"AHAHAHA-- I-- I can't.... I can't do it anymore! I just can't with you guys... AHAHAHAHA!"

Wheezing, he straightened up somewhat, wiping some tears from his eyes and pushing his hair out of his face.
"I mean, c--come on... You two were the ones who turned the orientation ceremony into such a disaster, right?"

Stepping towards them again, he gave them a wicked smirk.

"The girl summoned by the Dark Mirror who can't use magic, and the monster nobody summoned in the first place... Seriously, it took all I had to stop myself from cracking up right in the middle of the ceremony!"

He wheezed again, clutching an arm to his stomach and bending over.

Kat felt herself flush hotly-- her first instinct was to grab the rake off the cleaning trolley and hit him with it. No, she probably shouldn't do that... But maybe it could be considered self-defense?
Nah, best not to risk it.
Instead, she crossed her arms, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

"Wh--What the...." Grim spluttered. "Why'd you get so rude all of a sudden?!"

"So, basically," Ace continued, pointing at them with both hands. "Neither of you got admitted-- and on top of that, you're, like, janitors or something now? Ha ha! How lame can you even get?!"

Grim growled, bristling.
"Rrrrr.... Wh-What'd you just say?!"

Ace ignored him, closing his eyes with a theatrically disappointed sigh.

"Even worse-- you don't even know who the Great Seven are! Just how clueless ARE you two bozos, anyway?"
Opening one eye, he smirked.
"Maybe, before trying to get into Night Raven College, you should think about taking a second crack at kindergarten instead, huh?"

Snorting, he put the side of his fist to his mouth, turning away as he was wracked with another fit of giggles.

She looked down at Grim, who was grinding his teeth, ears flattening and tail puffing out.
Uh-oh... That wasn't good.
But honestly, she couldn't say she disagreed with him.....

Giving a satisfied sigh, Ace put his hands on his hips, smiling at them.
"Anyway-- just thought I'd fuck with you guys a little... And man, am I glad I did. This was a blast!"

Walking towards the castle, he looked back, giving a two-fingered salute.
"It's been real, but unlike YOU two, I actually have classes to get to. I guess I'll let you get back to picking up trash now-- HEY!"

Kat had finally given in and chosen violence.
Grabbing a wadded-up paper out of the trash can, she lobbed it at the back of his head as hard as she could.
She wasn't very athletic, and it was just a piece of paper, but it did manage to hit the mark.

Ace staggered forward a few steps, more out of shock than anything, and turned, rubbing the back of his head and glaring.

"What the hell was that--" he began, but she flipped him off, giving him her best Wednesday Addams stare.

He snorted in disgust, shaking his head and turning away with a huff.

He'd barely gotten two steps before Grim growled angrily, dropping down onto all fours with his tail lashing.

Straight-Up Not Having A Good Time At Night Raven College: Prologue Where stories live. Discover now