Prologue Chapter 19: A Lesson Learned

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When the group finally arrived back at campus, it actually took a little while to find the Headmaster.
Eventually they ran into him. He was walking hurriedly down the corridor that led to the Mirror Chamber, looking flustered.

There were a few minutes of everybody talking over each other. They were trying to  explain, while Crowley was just demanding to know where they had been.
And also why they looked like they'd been dragged behind a car on a dirt road.

Eventually, they ended back up in the Mirror Chamber.
Kat, Ace, and Deuce stood awkwardly in front of Crowley.

The Headmaster crossed his arms, blinking at them in obvious surprise.
"...Pardon?" He said, looking back and forth along the ragged line. "You mean to tell me that you three actually--"

"You FOUR," Kat interrupted, indicating Grim, sitting on her shoulder.

"You four," he corrected himself. "Actually went to the Dwarf's Mine in search of a magestone?"

"Uhhh... "
The four glanced at each other.

"...Y-Yes?" They all ventured in unison.

"Oh, dear..."
Crowley cupped his chin, obviously looking worried.

"I- I must confess, I didn't believe you'd actually DO it.. And to ACTUALLY return with a magestone, no less-- and one of such stunning size and clarity!"

He held the aforementioned stone up in one hand, twisting it around. The air around it shimmered with light.

"...And to think I spent the entire evening preparing the documents for your expulsion," he added, almost as an afterthought.

Grim bristled, claws digging into Kat's shoulder.
"You gotta be-- SERIOUSLY?! While we were runnin' around all night fighting some crazy monster?!"

Crowley blinked, looking at him birdishly.

"...Monster?" He repeated.

"Uh, YEAH," Ace snapped, crossing his arms.
"There was a monster there, alright-- a really big, really strong, really BAD one! It was super fuckin' dangerous, okay?! We could've DIED!"

"Oh, dear..."
Crowley rubbed his chin, seeming even more worried.

"...Would it be too much trouble to relay the night's events to me in full?"

"Only if we get somewhere to sit first," Kat interrupted.
She'd spotted Deuce starting to wobble a little bit out of the corner of her eye...
And, frankly, she was ALSO really tired. Her legs felt like water...

Crowley looked at her.
She looked back, crossing her arms.

He sighed.
"Oh, very well... Come along-- I'll escort you all up to my office, then."


Kat, Ace, and Deuce sat in three chairs in front of Crowley's desk.

The Headmaster's office was a large, semicircular room.
His dark wooden desk sat at the far end of the room, in front of three large, latticed windows. Large, framed portraits of the Great Seven hung behind the desk.

Most notably, everything was purple.

The wallpaper was pale purple.
The floor, that had the sheen of polished marble, was also a pale, silvery purple.
The curtains over the windows were deep purple velvet, embroidered with dark green moons and stars like a cartoon wizard's robe.
A really long, royal purple rug stretched the length of the room. The bricks, above the wallpaper, seemed to be made of a dark, purplish stone. Even the cushions on the chairs they sat in were purple.

Straight-Up Not Having A Good Time At Night Raven College: Prologue Where stories live. Discover now