Prologue Chapter 7: The Principal's Rule

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Slowing to a stop, Crowley emitted a blinding flash.

Kat flinched, squeezing her eyes shut.
When she opened them again, the Headmaster was back to his previous bipedal self, brushing down his vest and readjusting his hat.

Grim panted, chest heaving.
"Hah... Haaah... Well?!" He demanded. "You gonna say anything or what?!"

"My word," the Headmaster said, gazing in awe at Kat.
"Incredible... I've never seen ANYONE bend a monster to their will quite the way you have before... And someone with no magic, no less!"

Kat blinked.
Reflexively, she glanced to either side, like there was someone else there he could be talking to.
"Uh... M-Me?" She said awkwardly, pointing to herself.

Crowley nodded, stepping forward.
"Yes, indeed!" He confirmed.
"Mmmmm.... The truth is, my educator's instinct DID tell me there might be more to you than meets the eye after that commotion at orientation, Miss Kat. A certain-- a certain gentle aura or air of patience, perhaps befitting an animal trainer... Or even a beastmaster!"

She caught Grim's eye, and he shrugged. Apparently, he was just as lost as she was...

"With all that being said, however.... Hmmmmm...."

Crowley turned on his heel, starting to pace up and down the hallway while mumbling to himself.

Grim hurried over to her, tugging insistently at her pants leg.
"Pssst-- hey, Kat!" He hissed loudly. "Whaddya' think he's talking about?"

She shrugged helplessly.
"No idea," she stage-whispered back, bending over. "But-- I mean, he doesn't seem pissed or anything....."

An idea occurred to her. If she was gonna do this, now was probably the best time....

Stepping forward, she cleared her throat.
"Um... Mr. Crowley? Headmaster?"

Crowley stopped in his tracks, turning and blinking at her.
"Hm? Yes-- what is it?"

She brushed some hair behind her ear nervously, fiddling with her necklace. "...Would it be possible for Grim to stay here? In this dorm, I mean... With me."

She'd never had to have the 'it followed me home, can we keep it' talk before, and... Yep, it was just as awkward as she'd imagined.
And it only got worse as Crowley's mouth fell open.

"What?" He demanded, looking at her like she'd just suggested recreational baby theft. "A monster-- stay HERE?!"

"Wh-whoa..." Grim muttered, and she glanced over her shoulder to see him looking at her slack-jawed, eyes huge and shining. "Did you just..."

Dammit... Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT! Now she REALLY couldn't back out...

Steeling her nerves, she looked back at Crowley, taking a deep breath.
"I-- I mean... Like you said, I can't use magic, and if Grim wasn't here tonight, I'd be... Well- you know... I mean, if the ghosts come back, I'd pretty much be screwed on my own, right? So-- so... Um..."

She twisted her fingers together nervously, looking somewhere over the Headmaster's left shoulder.

He remained silent for a few heartrending seconds. Then his shoulders slumped, and he sighed.

"Haaah... I suppose there's no helping it, then. Very well-- the creature may stay."

Kat's heart jumped in her chest. YES!

"Myah-- really?!" Grim exclaimed, running to her side with a beatific smile on his face.

"HOWEVER," Crowley interrupted firmly, hands on his hips. "Under no circumstances would I ever enroll anyone who has not been chosen by the Dark Mirror as a student-- especially not a monster!"

He turned to Kat, looking at her sternly. "Nor do I intend for you, Miss Kat, to simply freeload until such time as you're able to return to your original world."

"Aw, whaaat," Grim muttered, falling back on his haunches with a scowl. "I got all excited for nothin'..."

"Now-- allow me to explain myself," the Headmaster continued, crossing his arms.
"It was, after all, the Dark Mirror which transported you here-- which means that the school DOES bear some responsibility for your well-being. So, I will allow you to stay here in this dorm, free of charge."

There was a 'but' coming-- she could sense it. Shifting nervously, she shoved her hands in her pockets in an attempt to make herself look less awkward.

"But," Crowley continued, "Your food, clothing and other such incidentals will be your responsibility to pay for yourself."

"Uh," she began.

Crowley held up a hand, cutting her off.
"As to how you will do so, penniless as you are..."
He stopped for a moment, seeming to think again.
"Hmmm... Ah!"

He chuckled, getting a wicked look on his face that made the hair on the back of Kat's neck stand up.
"Yes, a fine plan... How about this?"

A pit of dread opened up in her stomach, and she took a step back, pulling her hoodie tighter around herself.

"Uh..... Wh-What exactly are you thinking?" She ventured, looking around out of the corner of her eye for the discarded broom.

The Headmaster blinked, looking taken aback.
"Oh, good heavens-- no need to look so alarmed. I'm simply going to ask you to do a few odd jobs around campus!"

Jesus Christ-- she relaxed somewhat, sighing quietly through her nose.
She hadn't actually picked up any bad vibes from him so far, but that one second of uncertainty was honestly a lot scarier than anything else that had happened so far.
If that was all, then why the hell did he have to make it sound so sinister...?

Crowley continued.
"From what I've seen here, Miss Kat, it certainly seems that you know your way around a broom. So?"

He looked down at Grim, still standing by her leg.
"What do you say to you two working together as a janitorial team? If you are inclined to agree to that, I will be glad to make a special exception and allow you-- BOTH of you-- to remain on campus."

Kat and Grim looked at each other, blinking.

"I'll also allow you use of the library, so that you may study, as well as research ways to return home, Miss Kat," he added. "Ah... How boundlessly charitable I am!"

Mark another one down in the 'Crowley catchphrase counter'.

"H-Hey, but--" Kat began.

"Ah-- but only when you've completed all your work, of course!" Crowley interrupted her, crossing his arms and looking at them sternly.

"Huuuuuh? What kinda lame-o deal is that?!" Grim complained, crossing his own arms and scowling. "I wanna wear one of those slick uniforms an' study like a real student-- HEY!"

Kat hadn't so much as kicked him as knocked her ankle into him lightly, making him stagger.
As he looked up indignantly at her, she scowled back.
"SHUT," she mouthed.

"Oh- is that so?" Crowley asked. "If you're not satisfied with my offer, I could simply arrange to have you thrown out again."

She gave Grim a meaningful glare. See?

"Fnyagh?!" The little creature yelped, looking startled. Then he grumbled, scowling.
"Okay, okay, I GET it... You gotta do what you gotta do, right?"

Crowley nodded, then looked at her, apparently waiting for her answer.

She sighed, ruffling her hair.
"Okay," she relented. "It looks like I don't really have a choice, so..."

"Wonderful!" He beamed, spreading his hands.
"Well then, you two... I beseech you to work hard, as befitting the newest members of Night Raven College's janitorial staff!"

"Yaaaay," she couldn't help but mutter under her breath.

'I won't enroll anyone not chosen by the Dark Mirror'
ok Crowley, just wait until the end of the day tomorrow. Lol.

Straight-Up Not Having A Good Time At Night Raven College: Prologue Where stories live. Discover now