Prologue Chapter 12: Punishment Ducking

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Kat was almost at her limit when they finally found the dorms' entrance room- or building, rather.
Hall of Mirrors, the large gothic script over the doorway proclaimed as she and Grim skidded inside and down a short corridor.

Panting, she slid to a halt in front of the arched doorway, flailing to keep her balance.

"HEY!" She shouted.

Before she could say anything else, Grim interrupted her, yelling at the top of his lungs.

Ace whirled around.
"Ack! Shit-- they found me!" He muttered, backing up defensively.

"No fair gettin' a head start on us like that-- you better stop right there!" Grim shouted.
He sped into the room, making a beeline for the still-retreating Ace.

Kat had to stop, hands on her knees as she gasped for breath.
God-- she was skinny, but that didn't mean she was in good shape...
If stuff like this was gonna keep happening, she'd really have to work on her stamina.

"Y-Yeah, right-- like anybody'd ever listen to THAT!" Ace mocked, apparently getting some of his cockiness back.

He spun around, sprinting across the large, circular room towards one of the seven alcoves set in the walls.

Kat growled, forcing her legs to break back into a run even as Grim stayed hot on his heels.
This room was smaller than the Mirror Chamber and cafeteria, but still big enough for people chasing each other across it to exchange plenty of banter.
Kinda impressive, if she thought about it...

"No WAY are you gettin' outta this!" Grim was yelling. "You think I WANNA wash all those dumb windows?!"

Trying to keep up, Kat noticed something out of the corner of her eye-- apparently Ace hadn't been the only one trying to get back to their dorm.
Another figure in school uniform stood in their path, looking confusedly at them as they drew closer.

"Move it, MOVE it!" Ace shouted angrily, shoulder-checking them and shoving past.

"Oof!" The bystander grunted, staggering out of the way.
"HEY-- what the--"

Kat's foot finally slipped, and she fell hard, sprawling onto the floor and giving a wordless yell of pain and shock.

"Oh, sh-- I mean- are you okay?!" The student spluttered, hurrying forward.

"Yeah, I'm fine.... But s-stop that guy!" Kat shouted hoarsely, pointing at Ace's retreating back.

The student drew back.
"Wh-- you mean, with MAGIC?!" He demanded, looking back and forth from her to Ace.
"Uh-- like- freeze his legs? O-Or tie him up with a rope?! Uh-- no- wait... Um..."

"Man, it doesn't matter-- just do SOMETHING!" Grim snarled, running past.

Kat struggled up onto her hands and knees, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to get some air back into her lungs.

"Something?! S-Something-- uh.... Okay!"
She heard the student say.
"Here goes-- something!"

She looked up as he pulled the jeweled pen out of his pocket, pointing it at Ace.

"Something heavy-- I SUMMON THEE!" He shouted.

There was a burst of sparkles, and a large, black object fell through the air. It fell on top of Ace, sending him to the ground with a loud crash and a strangled yelp.

Grim skidded to a halt, falling over on his back, and Kat blinked.

A big cauldron sat on Ace's back, pinning him to the ground.
It didn't look like it hit his head, but he still looked stunned, eyes open and staring blankly for a second.
Then he shook his head, coughing loudly

Straight-Up Not Having A Good Time At Night Raven College: Prologue Where stories live. Discover now