010 - real life

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The pair drifted out onto the building's remote fire escape, where they sat cross-legged across the wrought-iron. It was a bit uncomfortable for the two, but they decided it was better than being inside with the rest of their friends.

"I'm guessing you're avoiding me because of those articles, huh?" He shifted his gaze that was once set upon the night sky towards the blonde that sat mere inches from him. She scoffed and looked down into her lap, then back up to meet her rumoured partner's eyes. They were just the warmest shade of hazel, his pupils mostly dilated from the lack of sun exposure. 

"Yeah, um, it's just crazy. Crazy how we literally talk to each other once and people just start making up this random shit." She over-zealously tucked her dangling platinum strands of hair away from her face and behind her ear. "And sure, I've dated other celebrities before, but I just want to be known for my music, y'know? Not just that I'm totally in love with someone more interesting." 

Joe teetered his knees from left to right and commented, "Yeah, I totally get it. Hey, maybe we have more in common than we thought!" A smile played at his lips, infectiously causing Harley's to mimic his foolhardy expression.

Harley's phone buzzed from her purse, ultimately interrupting their childlike behavior. When she lit her phone up, she noticed the time. 12:04. 

"Oh, shit. I'm twenty-four." Her mouth slightly gaped open as she held her phone in front of her.

Joe's brow lifted, asking for further explanation. She noticed this.

"It- It's my birthday. And I completely forgot." Her hand flew to her forehead in shock. 

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Life is crazy as shit right now, no worries." He gently reached for her shoulder in comfort. "Wait right here, I'll be back."

Harley spent her idle time waiting for Joe to return by texting her brother. All she got in return was a 'loser <3'. Thank God she loved him, otherwise he would've been strangled by then. 

Joe lifted up the window and crawled back out onto the fire escape with a cupcake in hand. The wind had blown out the candle that he had placed upon it as soon as he returned to his previous spot.

"Happy birthday, Harley. I might not have a candle for you to blow out, but make a wish."

She closed her eyes and wished for her only desire that year, to get to know the person in front of her in a way that no one had.

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