035 - real life

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Harley's phone had practically exploded with how many notifications she had gotten the morning after her and Joe's announcement. 

Stranger Things Stars Engaged!

All of the Details We've Uncovered about the Timeline of Joley!

Are Keery and Howard right for each other? I have a feeling they're not, and here's why...

Harley stopped scrolling there. What would give someone the urge to post an entire article about their compatibility?

A glimpse of her ring flashed before her mic, its metal reflecting it back towards her. She didn't need time-wasting articles to tell her whether or not they were meant for one another. All she needed was right in front of her. 

She tucked a loose strand of her platinum hair behind her earphone and shot a smile towards Joe, who was watching from behind the sound-proof glass. 

He hung onto her gaze a second longer before pressing down a button on the panel. "That's a wrap, Davidson."

The girl's everlasting smile seemed to reach past its boundaries. This was her dream record, and now she was finally able to produce it with her muse by her side. 

She slipped her headphones off as Joe entered the box, immediately tucking her hair behind her ears so that he could gently cup her cheeks without interference. His eyes seemed to glint with admiration for the woman in his presence. She had come so far since they had first met. 

"Next stop?" He inquired, attempting to read her mind. 

"Album number two, baby!"

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