029 - real life

288 14 19

A cup of coffee sat in front of Harley, steam no longer rising from the surface. It had sat in the same position for ten minutes, untouched. Emma sat in front of her, her cup half-dranken. 

"What's wrong, Harls?" She set the coffee down and focused on her friend. Harley's expression was blank. "Alright then... A penny for your thoughts?" 

Harley's lips slightly lifted up, but drooped back down quickly after. "How did you know you and Maya were, um, meant for each other?" 

"Uh, I guess I just always sort of knew. You know, like, deep down." Emma answered, taking a sip of her coffee. "Is this about Joe?" 

Harley simply nodded her head. "Yeah, I mean, we've been together for, what, a year now? And we had this argument last night, which was not normal for us, but then we both said we love each other and then things just kind of calmed down... I just- I still feel this pit in my stomach. Like I didn't mean what I said. And Joe... Joe's great. And I just feel terrible for thinking about it..." 

"Have you talked to him about this?" Emma craved relationship drama ever since she had gotten happily married to the love of her life, Maya. 

Harley stumbled around the question before giving in. "Well, no... I came to you first." 

"Harley!" Em exclaimed, nearly shocking the people enjoying their coffee around them.

"Sorry, you're just the first person I thought of for help!"

"Call him." Em ordered. "Right now."


"No buts, Harls. I'm not letting you break Joe's heart." 

"Alright..." Harley picked up her phone from the table and quickly dialed his number. He immediately answered. 

"Hey, Davidson. What's up?"

"Uh... You wanna get out of here? I just want to take some time off with you before filming starts." She spoke lowly into the phone.

"Where to, love?" 

She thought for a moment, gathering the many places they've been in her head before deciding. "How do you feel about Paris? We could stay with my parents, get away from work for a bit." 

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