019 - real life

343 16 12

Harley intently observed Joe behind the glass wall that separated the studio from the panel, her chin in her hand. She could listen to him forever. 

"We're in retrograde, retrograde." Joe finished the last part of the song he was recording and retrieved the headphones from his head, giving Harley a wide smile and a thumbs up. 

She turned on her mic so he could hear her, "What's the title, Mr. Musical Genius?" Her lips perked up at the mouthful of a nickname. 

"Not sure yet... I want to name it after someone, but I'm not sure who. It's gotta be a super weird name, you know?" 

"Hm... How about Robocop?" She said jokingly. "Kidding."

But before Joe could give his two cents on the suggestion, Harley's phone buzzed from across the studio. "Got it!" He reached for the phone and quickly answered it. 

"My legs work just fine, thank you very m-"

"SHHHH!" He held up a finger in her direction, then replied to the caller's questions. "Yes, she's right here. Um, no... This is... Her assistant... Joel! Yes, she would love to join you for tonight's show. Perfect, see you later!"

"What the hell was that?!" She stood up from her swivel chair and reached for her phone. Joe lifted the device above his head, making her multiple attempts at catching it nearly impossible. "C'mon, Joe. Don't be a prick."

"Do I really want to tell you...? You're being a little too pushy for my liking right now, Harls." 

She folded her arms and looked him dead in the eye. "Give it back, Joe." 

"Alright, fine." He placed her phone in her hand, his other brushing through his locks of hair. "You're cute when you're mad, y'know." 

"I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that." She turned around and sat back down. "Anyways, what was the call about?" 


"You're joking, right? Please, tell me you're joking! This is insane?!" She jumped up from her chair and pulled Joe towards her body in an embrace, her head placed in the crook of his neck. The smell of his cologne drowned her senses. 

His hold on her seemed to last a decade before they both realized the position they were in. They pulled apart and were completely ecstatic, their faces lit up and their eyes peering into one another's. 

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