Baby, I'm Jealous: Elvis Presley

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Request: Elvis x Jealous! Reader? Reader is jealous of Elvis' growing affection for Priscilla

You tried to be supportive of Elvis and Priscilla's friendship, you really did but with each growing day you watched as he became more withdrawn from you and more affectionate with her. It was hard to watch and at first you brushed it off as be insecure because you even had to admit that Priscilla was beautiful but then weeks went on it was harder to ignore that he was falling for her and falling out of love with you. 

Tonight Elvis had promised you that tonight it would just be the two of you, and you guys could have a date night so you prepped his favorite meal, and everything and waited for him to get back. You sighed as you looked at the clock and it had been three hours so you took a sip of your wine and washed your plate before heading upstairs to your room and not sure why you even slept in here anymore. 

Elvis came home after showing Priscilla around Memphis, and his heart immedietly broke seeing the table set up, he was supposed to have dinner with you tonight and he forgot and he felt terrible about it. He said goodnight to Priscilla and made his way upstairs to your guy's room where he found you already asleep, with tears sliding down your face breaking his heart more because he never wanted to be the one who made your cried. 

"Baby." He said quietly shaking you. 

"Elvis please...just go to bed or something...I don't have the energy to deal with you." You said queitly as he sighed realizing how much he hurt you. 

The next morning when you woke up, you were met with an empty space on beside you not that it surprised you and it just reminded you about last night and how he continued to hurt you. You sighed before climbing out of bed and getting dressed so you could go get something to eat. When you entered the kitchen you were shocked to find your boyfriend, standing making breakfast. 

"Morning baby." He said wrapping an arm around you and pressing a kiss to your lips but stoppped when he didn't feel you kissing back. 

"Elvis you can't just make me breakfast, and kiss me and expect to forgive you for missing our date and ignoring me for Priscilla for the past two months. You hurt me Elvis." You said as the tears slid down your face. 

"Baby I swear I didn't mean to hurt you.....I don't know what what happened but it's like ever since i invited her here which was just as friends at first, but it seems like she became my girl and put you on the back burner and I'm sorry because I never meant to be the one to make you cry, your my girl and I love you so much." He said wrapping his arms around you. 

"I tried to be accepting of ya'lls friendship at first, I really did but then you started loving on me less, stop talking to me, you stopped treating me like your girl and it hurt." You said crying into his shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry baby, I really am. You gotta believe me when I say I never meant to hurt you, that I have no feelings for her not the way you I feel the way about you. You gotta believe me.... hey look at me, honey, you're my girl, alright? My only girl." He said titling your head back so you could look into his eyes. 

"Do you mean that?" You asked him quietly.

"Of Course I do baby, and if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, I will make it up to you that way you won't be ever have to doubt about being my only girl. Do you think you could forgive me baby?" He asked you. 

"I think I can, as long as you promise to never thurt me again." You  said to him,

"Never again would I think about hurt my girl, I love you baby." He said placing a kiss to your lips. 

"I love you too, my love." You said smiling at him as you two pulled apart. 

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