Exhaustion: Austin Butler

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Request: Fluff with reader constantly reminding Austin to relax during the filming of Elvis and his forgetfulness to take care of himself lands him being hospitalized idk more could be added there...

You had been worried about how hard your boyfriend Austin was pushing himself with the filming of Elvis, you understood that he wanted to do a good portraying Elvis in the film but at the cost of his health? and that worried you. Today he was only supposed to film a couple of scenes and then be done for the day, but when the clock inside of his trailer read 6:30 pm you knew it was gonna be another long day. 

"Hey baby, I'm sorry filming is taking so long, it's just that I felt like I could a few more scenes." He said taking a seat next to you. 

"It's alright my love, I just don't want you to overwork yourself is all. I'm sure no one would be mad at you if you took some time to rest." You said lacing your hand with his. 

"No I know they won't be and I have been watching my health. I promise nothing is going to happen to me." He said to you before placing a kiss on your lips. 

The few weeks you noticed Austin was more tired and more agitated and every time you told him he should take a break and rest he snapped at you which you knew wasn't intentional but still it hurt a bit because you were only trying to look out for his wellbeing. 

Right now you were off to the side with Baz and Olivia watching as Austin performed the Trouble number but you started to notice how off-balance he was, how tired he looked, and thought about intervening when you saw him collapse on stage. 

"Austin!" You said running over to him and kneeling in front of him as Baz said he called an ambulance. 

"Austin baby." You said as the tears streamed down your face when you saw the paramedics come over to you. 

You rode in the ambulance with Austin while Olivia and Baz said they would meet you there. Once you arrived at the hospital they asked you to wait in the waiting room while they diagnosed him which you understood but you couldn't help but worry. 

"He's gonna be alright, don't worry." Olivia said squeezing your hand but you couldn't help but worry. 

"I need some fresh air." You said getting up and heading outside since you felt like you were suffocating being in there. 

You sat out there for a few minutes trying to calm yourself down from having a panic attack when you felt a pair of arms around you and you honestly didn't care who it was at this point you just needed someone. 

"He's gonna be alright, the doctor said so. Baz went back there to see him and I came to see if you wanted to see him." Olivia said as you nodded your head. 

Austin was confused when he woke up and heard beeping and saw Baz sitting next to him, why was he in the hospital, and more importantly where were you at? 

"Easy there, you gave all of us quite a scare when you collapsed on set." Baz said helping him sit up.

"Collapsed? What do you mean?" He asked confused. 

"You collapsed from exhaustion. Austin why didn't you tell me that you were exhausted, we could've taken a few days off so you could rest. Like do you know how dangerous that was? Your girlfriend is sitting outside this building crying because she's so worried about you." Baz said as Austin sighed. 

"I'm sorry I just wanted to continue filming and making a great movie." Austin said to him. 

"It's alright I understand but you also need to know that you are not Elvis, you are Austin with a beautiful girlfriend who loves you and a family that loves so which is why in addition to the two weeks that doctor recommends you rest, I want to you to add three weeks to that since we are ahead of schedule with filming and talk with her because she loves you so much Austin." Baz said as they heard a knock on the door. 

Austin watched as Olivia and you walked in and all he could focus on was your tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes he never meant to hurt you like this. You stood to the side taking him grateful that it was just exhaustion that maybe him collaspe. 

"Olivia let's give them some space." Baz said as Olivia said she was glad Austin was okay before leaving them. 

"Baby come here." Austin said petting a spot next to him on the bed. 

You mindlessly moved over to his bed and took a seat on it before wrapping your arms around him and burying your head in his chest feeling more tears threatening to fall as you felt Austin wrap his arms around you. 

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry for everything that's happened these last few weeks I never meant to hurt you or get upset at you in any way. I should've listened to you more because I know you were only looking out for me." He said. 

"You about gave me a heart attack when you collapsed on set and weren't responding to me. I love you Austin and don't want to lose you." You said looking up at him. 

"I love you too baby, I promise to take better care of myself from this point forward because I don't want to lose you either."  He said pressing a kiss to your lips.  

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