Have I Told You Lately I Love You: Elvis Presley

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Request: Could you do an Elvis imagine where he invited the reader to duet on stage with her, but she's extremely shy so ELVIS tries to make her comfortable

A/N: This reminded me of the scene in Crybaby where Crybaby invites Allison up on stage to sing with him at Jukebox Jamboree, so this is loosely based on that.  

Elvis thought you had the prettiest voice he had ever heard and wanted so badly for the world to hear it, but you always shot him down every time he brought up you singing with him for a record or even on stage with him. He understood you were shy about singing in front of others, hell he remembers how nervous he was the first time he took the stage. 

He returned home from the studio that day and could hear you in the kitchen lightly singing along to Mr. Sandman which played on the record player as you worked on dinner. He leaned up against the doorway listening to you sing with a smile on his face and after a few minutes, he walked over to where you were standing and wrapped his arms around you. 

"You have a voice of an angel, Darlin." He said placing a kiss on your lips.

"No need to flatter me, my love, I'm already making you dinner." You said with a smile as he laughed at your comment.

"No flattery here, all honesty. I really wish you would just let me bring you on the stage and show the world one time just one time how talented you are." He said as you turned and wrapped your arms around him. 

"Elvis baby." You started to say already knowing where this was going.

"Please sweetheart, just consider it. We could sing together one time and if you don't like it then I will never bother you about singing in public again. Please for me." He said cradling your face in your hands as you felt yourself about to give in to him and those damn blue eyes of his. 

"Your trouble, you know that? But I'll think about it." You said to him before going back to finishing up dinner making him laugh. 

That night after dinner you couldn't stop thinking about your boyfriend's offer and maybe just maybe singing on stage with him wouldn't hurt, you knew he never let anything happen to you or let you embarrass yourself on stage. 

"Yes, I'll perform with you just this once to see how I like it." You said to him as you two got ready for bed which prompted him to smother you in kisses. 

"I promise you won't regret it, sweetheart." He said with a smile on his face. 

It was about a week later and since you told Elvis you would sing with him and you had no problem singing with him when it was just you two rehearsing, but the thought of being on stage in front of a sold-out crowd freaked you out and nearly brought you to a panic attack. You were standing off to the side of the stage watching as he finished up the song he was performing when he looked over at you and smiled. 

"Now for this next song, I'm gonna have someone very special to me join me on stage, so baby will you please come out here and join me?" He asked you as you shook your head at him already feeling yourself backing out. 

"Forgive her, she's a shy thing but I know you guys will take care of her. Come on baby, I've got you." He said walking over and grabbing your hand and bringing you onto the stage with him. 

Once you were on stage you could only focus on everyone staring at you making you more nervous until you felt Elvis squeeze your hand bringing your attention back to him. 

"Just focus on me, not them, you know like we practiced?" He whispered to you as you nodded your head as he begin to play the opening chords of 'Have I Told You Lately I Love You' and begin to sing and soon you felt yourself singing with him which brought a smile to his face. 

You almost forgot that you two were performing on stage in front of the sold-out crowd because you eventually got lost in singing with your lover until you heard the sounds of clapping and cheers for your performance as you and Elvis made your way off stage. 

"See I told you that you could do it, baby!" Elvis said pressing a kiss to your lips. 

"Yeah, it was because I had you up there with me. Thank you, baby." You said smiling at him. 

"No need to thank me, Darlin, I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you. I love you so much." He said pressing another kiss to your lips.

"Not as much as I love you." You said wrapping your arms around him. 

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