Normal Person: Elvis Presley

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Request: the reader is Priscella's 17-year-old sister and is a big fan of Elvis when they meet Elvis for the first time she treats him like a real person

You really didn't believe it when your dad's friend said that he was going to introduce you and your sister, Priscilla, to Elvis Presley, so you agreed not expecting anything to come of. You loved Elvis and his music and always wanted to see him perform live but now that he was in the military, you knew you probably missed your chance which sucked. You watched as your sister fixed her hair for the thousandth time, hoping to impress Elvis making you shake your head at her. 

"Mr. Presley, I would like you to meet Officer Beaulieu's daughter, this is Priscilla his youngest, and this Cartier his oldest." Your dad's friend said as Elvis shook your sister's hand who was already throwing herself at him. 

"Pleasure to meet you miss." Elvis said lifting your hand and pressing a kiss to it. 

"Pleasures all mine, it's an honor to meet you, I love your music." You said to him as he smiled at you impressed that you listened to his music. 

He looked like he was about to say something when your sister cut him already asking him a bunch of questions making you sigh because, with her around, you weren't even going to get to talk to him. You took one last look at them before retreating back to your room, sad that you weren't even going to get to talk to your favorite artist. 

Elvis grew tired of Priscilla fast always asking him about being famous and everything that had to deal with fame, he wanted to be normal as possible which is part of the reason he joined the military. He couldn't stop thinking about you, and how beautiful you were, and when he looked around the room, he noticed you weren't there. 

"She's probably up in her room that's where she stays half of the time anyway. So boring unlike you."  Priscilla said noticing his wandering eyes. 

"Excuse me." He said to her as he made his way upstairs to his room where he could hear a B.B King record playing making him smile. 

"You listen to B.B King?" He asked you nearly making you mess up on the drawing you were working on as you turned and looked at him. 

"Yeah, I do...I really like his music. Your welcome to come in." You said noticing him standing by your doorway still. 

"You keep surprising me tonight. Can I see what you're working on?" He asked you as you hesitantly showed him seeing that it was a drawing of him in uniform. 

"Wow, this is amazing. Do you have any more I could see?" He asked you as you nodded getting up and grabbing your sketchbook and handing it to him. 

For the next few hours, the two of you sat there on your bedroom floor talking and getting to know each other like normal people. You would show him your art and you would ask him about the war trying to understand why he would join and maybe understand why your dad joined too. He was easy to talk to, he didn't let his fame get to his head, and he was humble and not to mention cute. Elvis was appreciative that you treated him like another person, it had been a long time since he was treated like this and not some celebrity like your sister did, he found himself falling for you the more he got to know you. 

"Elvis it's almost time to go." Your dad's friend said as Elvis told him five minutes. 

"I had a really great time tonight Darlin, you don't know how long it's been since I was treated like a normal person and not a celebrity." He said to you. 

"I really do and I'm glad you deserve it, you are just a normal person like us but in the public eye more. Thank you for letting me pick your brain and letting me talk to you, it's been a while since I had someone genuinely interested in what I had to say." You said giving him a soft smile. 

"Of course Darlin, no need to thank me. Do you think you would be interested in going out with me tomorrow? I promise to make it worth your while." He asked you flashing that perfect white smile of his. 

"I would like that a lot, in fact, you can have this as thank you." You said handing him one of your completed drawings of him with your number on it.

"Thank you, sweetheart, for tonight. I really did enjoy it." He said standing in there in your doorway. 

"Me too, goodbye Elvis." You said giving a small smile before watching him leave and closing your door before letting out a squeal of excitement. 

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