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Maya and her younger brother Griffin were walking to school

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Maya and her younger brother Griffin were walking to school. Her mom had asked her to keep a close eye on him because of all the missings going on. Griffin was oddly quiet today.

"Hey Griffin" "Yeah?" he answered. "How's it going with you and Gwen?" you asked him with a small smirk. Gwen Shaw was a girl maybe a year older than him. Every day after school they walk home together since we live right next to the Shaw family. "Shut up Maya. were only friends." He said as he pushed you a little. You giggled "Right right. How could I forget that you guys sit right next to each other in all of your classes" ''It's not like that!" He said his cheeks red. "How's you and Finney?" He asked as you both turned a corner. Finney Shaw. You've had a crush on him since you guys met back in 3rd grade. You were helping him avoid a bully. You sighed. "If I'm being honest I don't think he likes me. He likes Donna" you said as you gave a small smile to your brother. You both crossed the street walking past people. "Yeah yeah." He said as he waved his hand. You both walked in silence for a couple minutes looking around you both. "BOO!" something had grabbed you. You screamed and turned around, to see Gwen and FInney laughing. Griffin bursted out into laughter. Your cheeks grew hot. You stifled a laugh as well. "We got you good Maya!" Gwen said smiling. "Yeah yeah" You said as you laughed. "Come on, we're gonna be late." Finney said walking up to you. You all walked into school together saying bye to your younger siblings and continuing to walk down the hallway full of kids.

"Finney" "yeah?" Wheres-"

You didn't even get to finish your sentence when someone pulled you back by your backpack onto the floor. "What the hell!" you said. "Man what a dork" You heard. There they are. The assholes that bully and harrass me and Finney. They started to pick on you when you stood up for Finney. You quickly got up. Finney looked scared out of his mind. "Looks like Robin is nowhere to be found." One said as he smiled. You grabbed Finney's hand and quickly ran through people. "Hey! Where are you going!" One of them yelled at you both. Turning a corner, weaving through people to get to your guys' class room. Finally making it to the door you opened it and ran in, still not letting go of Finney's hand. Panting, you let go of his hand and walked down an aisle and sat down at your desk next to Robin. Finney right behind you sitting across from you. 'So this is where you were!' you thought as you set your backpack down. 'Little fucker' you thought as you put your head on your arms trying to catch your breath. The sound of kids talking crowded your head.

"Jesus what happened to you." Robin asked. Robin has been 'protecting' me and FInney from those assholes for a while. He's a nice kid but he can pack a punch. You lifted your head up and looked at him. "Chased" You said finally catching your breath. Robin's face turned into a mad look. "Fuck! I had detention this morning." He said. "It's fine Robin." Finney said out of nowhere scaring you shitless. He stood next to your guy's desk. "At least we got away before they could do anything." You said looking at Finney. He smiled. "Yeah." The feeling of butterflies filled your stomach and you felt your cheeks get hot. You looked away from him looking down at your hands. Robin started to say something but got cut off by the teacher. "Alright kids sit down and be quiet." she said. Finney went back to his desk and sat down. Robin nudged you with his shoulder. You looked over at him, he raised his eyebrows implying a 'ohhhh' without talking. You rolled your eyes and smiled.


'Finally.' you thought as you put your books in your backpack.

"Maya." "yeah?" "You know if you keep staring at him like that, he's gonna know" Robin said as he walked away. 'Shit' 

"Maya you ready?" you heard from behind you. You turned around to meet Finney's face. "Yeah" You said. You both walked out of the classroom. Braxton and his friends were standing by the lockers across the hall so they could see when you both came out. You looked towards the floor and walked fast. Finney grabbed your arm as you pulled him with you. You knew that they were following you. There were itching to hurt to you guys. You ran down the stairs and FInney let go of you as he ran into the boys bathroom. You ducked into the girls bathroom and stayed by the door. Looking out, making sure that you could go out. After a couple minutes you walked out and stood by the wall. You sighed as you hoped that Finney was ok. Something pushed you onto the floor. "Thought you could run away?" He asked. "Actually yes" you said, getting back up. A sudden pain ran through your cheek as you fell back onto the floor.  You sat up and wiped your cheek with your sleeve to see a crimson red color. "Hey!" you heard from behind you. "Piss off Robin." He said. "Get away from her before I beat your ass." Robin said, stepping in front of you. 'Fiftieth time I've got my ass saved by Robin.' you thought. He looked at Robin then went the other way. "Maya are you ok?" Robin asked, putting a hand out to help you up. "I'm fine." you said taking his hand and standing up. You both heard yelling inside the boys bathroom. "Stay right here." Robin said and walked into the bathroom. You sighed and leaned against the wall. Your cheek stinged. 'This happens every day' you thought. It's the same thing everyday. Running away, getting hurt, going home. You put your hand to your cheek. Robin and Finney walked out to the bathroom. "Jesus." Finney said, looking at you. "I'm fine" you said,  sadly smiling at Finney. "I'm glad you're not hurt." "Aren't we late?" Finney asked. All three of you ran to get to your next class.

"Jesus Finney" You said as you laughed at him turning onto your guy's street. "It wasn't my fault!" He yelled at you laughing. "Sure sure" You giggled at him. Griffin was walking home with Gwen then parting ways to go to our house while Gwen went to a friends house. You and Finney walked in a comfortable silence as you both walked towards your guy's house. 'Should I tell him?' you thought. 'No later.?' you questioned yourself. "Maya? Maya!" Finney yelled, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Huh?" "We're home."

It has been two hours and Griffin still isn't home. You walked outside. "Mom's gonna kill me" You said under your breath. "Griffin!" You yelled. "Griffin!!" You yelled again. "Shit" you said.

You sat in front of the TV the next morning watching the news. Griffin didn't come home last night. You thought he stayed over at a friend's house. "BREAKING NEWS!" was heard over the TV. "Young Griffin (Don't know his last name) has gone missing!" a small picture of him and you went on the screen. "If you see him please call 911!" the news announcer said. It felt like the world went in slow motion. 'No. no way.' you thought as you stared at the TV. tears pricked at your eyes. Soon they started falling. You sobbed loudly wishing that you had walked home with your younger brother that day.

word count - 1300

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