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tagged: @meilikesmay @chanelchenle @and_y 879 likes, 83 comments soarin.flying we went to a picnic but the blanket was so messy i couldnt take an aesthetic pic of it ://
meilikesmay: no but fr it was bcs the boys messed it up chanelchenle >meilikesmay: wtf who was the one that kicked on the blanket when they lost in a game of uno
heeheejin: omg my babie 🥺💗
notonyour_mark: yooooo why wasn't i invited :/ soarin.flying > notonyour_mark: you're old but we can arrange a trip to the old folks home for you
and_y: had fun :o thanks for the yummy sandwiches thooooo they were sooooo gooooooodddddddd
@meilikesmay Han River Park - I think???
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tagged: soarin.flying
873 likes, 79 comments meilikesmay thanks for the pic babe @soarin.flying 😘😘😘😘
soarin.flying: 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
sunfull: barf you're so gay meilikesmay >sunfull: stfu ik you're not talking rn mr.i like to annoy renjun bcs he looks cute when hes angry
hyemin.huh: oh to be in a relationship like that couple in the back
yasucko: bruv that fit 😩😩
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932 likes, 87 comments chanelchenle: im not lying when i say i have a big head
jenniferno: bro youre so cool tho
jaeminthemiddle: sir save some looks for us we need to serve too
longjeon: lmaoooo why do you look so scared 💀💀💀💀
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974 likes, 83 comments and_y: felt refreshed after what felt like ages but then i remembered uni starts in 2 days 😮💨
soarin.flying: yOU FUCKER I FORGOT ABT THAT and_y > soarin.flying: suffer with me bitch