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heejin was having the time of her life.

given her situation, you'd think she'd be feeling miserable and really single, but she couldn't help but be endeared by the couple that had her third-wheel them on their tiny date

it took a while for the bigger group to calm heejin down and offer her words of comfort before heejin decided she wanted fried chicken instead of hangover soup. that was when jisung's mind lit up with an idea.

he remembered the topic him and seorin had talked about long ago, having their friends third-wheel on their dates to make them feel good whenever they were down.

was it illogical? absolutely.
did it work? like a charm.

"i can't believe this is actually working," jisung shook his head in disbelief and chuckled
"we should start a couple's therapy job except it's the other way around," seorin suggested

"like you guys are the couple that give therapy instead of getting any?" the eldest of the three laughed at the idea and the seriousness of her younger friends

"yeah, we'd make sad and mentally ill people third wheel on our dates to make them feel better!"
"seorin, that sounds kinda-"
"and it will work. trust."

heejin just sighed in defeat and leaned back in her seat, shaking her head at seorin.

"i was thinking though," jisung started, "i kinda wanna dye my hair again"
"babe, it'll die"
"so will i someday"
"bro said yolo"
"no because yolo fr"
"did you just say for real as like f r out loud?"
"i don't know, did i?"
"yes, you did"
"what color are you thinking though?"
"blue, but not like a highlighter blue color like a darker blue, you know?"
"that sounds so hot, go for it. you know what let's go get dye right now and we'll go back to our dorm to dye your hair together"
"can i really trust you with my hair?"
"you don't trust me?!"
"no! i do trust you, but my hair.."
"i get it, to be honest. but I'll try my best, i promise"
".... I'll take your word for it"

heejin was just listening to the two, unknowingly grinning at the exchange. they talked about nothing but everything at the same time, amusing the listener. making spontaneous plans and promises. they knew they'd both be with eachother through everything, that was why it didn't matter what they did or how they did it. as long as they would be by eachother's sides.

maybe their reverse couple therapy business wasn't a bad idea after all.


rooftop fighters

my boyfriend is so fucking

people who aren't parkjisung dni pls ‼️‼️‼️‼️

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people who aren't park
jisung dni pls ‼️‼️‼️‼️

omggg you look
so cool
welcome to the dead
scalps gang jisung

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