Jeno's parents weren't home, leaving behind his cats, his sister and her fiance to greet the large group of chaotic friends.
"guys! you all grew up so well!" jina, his sister exclaimed when she opened the door for them, "oh my god is that jisung? you're so tall now! how's your sister?"
the younger smiled back at her, "she's good. teaching at our uni and making my friends gay for her"
"not gonna lie, im gay for her too" the female replied, earning a 'hey!' from her fiance who stood behind her, tackling jeno in a headlock, something he did to show him affection.
"oh my god! the girls!!" jina pushed jisung to the side and greeted the five new faces with the biggest grin, "hi im Jeno's older sister, jina and that's doyoung, my fiance! come in make yourselves at home please!"
they all greeted her back, introducing themselves and entered the cozy house. jina ordered them to sit down as she said she'll be back with drinks for them, despite them telling her that they already drank coffee and they dont want to pee on their way, she used her 'im incharge of this house right now so you do as i say' card even doyoung couldnt stop her, knowing he'd lose in an argument with her anytime
"how's pre-marital life treating you?" haechan asked the oldest in the room who smiled "its amazing. she's everything I've ever needed," doyoung said in a daze
"hyung you're so in love" jaemin snorted and chenle suddenly giggled out loud
"whats so funny?" hyemin asked and when the dolphin finally calmed down he pointed to the 2 cm empty space between doyoung and renjun
"they're so awkward with each other" "aaing?" "ooing?" "what the fuck"
"drive safely, jeno," jina sternly said to her brother who just smiled and said, "even if something goes wrong these fools won't take it seriously so don't worry about these guys.. though do pray for my mental well being"
she just sighed and flashed the famous eye smile which ran in the Lee family to the rest, "you guys be safe too and say hi to seorin's parents for me" doyoung too, told everyone to stay safe and have fun and the couple waved as they drove out of the driveway and exchanges glances
"the house is ours now, babe" the male smirked "time to dress up the cats and have a cat fashion show?" "fuck yeah"
indeed, prayers for Jeno's mental well being were needed. sitting next to him was mark who kept playing peaches by justin Bieber on repeat while him, donghyuck and meihui screamed the lyrics, renjun harmonizing here and there. hyemin trying to bicker with them all, telling them one direction is better, bringing back the 2013 fanwars. heejin yelling at them all to shut up while jaemin, somehow, was sound asleep admist it all, snoring. chenle played pubg on his phone with his headphones in at full volume, even though the noise got through, he paid it no mind and focused on his game. seorin and jisung were probably the calmest during the ride, as they shared seorin's earphones, listening to her favorite playlist and discussed the upcoming performances for the festival.
"honestly, I'm very nervous. this is the first time I'll be all alone on stage and i feel like I'll mess up big time," he shared his concern with her and she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder
"you'll do great, jisungie. i know, i haven't seen you dance but you brought down meihui's confidence that one time and trust me, its a hard thing to do. even if you mess up, its okay. you're human, bound to make mistakes and mess up. besides, we'll all be supporting you. I'll be supporting you, so you wont be alone, bub" she smiled at him
his cheeks flushed red and he wasn't sure whether it was the nickname or her comforting words- maybe even both. he avoided her eyes and tried to calm his erratic heartbeat but it only beat faster when seorin's small hand reached for his and intertwined their fingers together. he turned to look at her only to find her looking at him with a soft smile on her face
"you're amazing, ji," she says, giving his hand a light squeeze, "you're amazing"
🪐 atp idek what i wrote in this chapter have a jisung pic <3
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