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good morning rinnie
6:01 am

oh shit yeah you must be
noo my classes start at 7 today :/
I'll see you at campus, okay?

i love you <3
6.13 am

7.28 am
that's so bad like how much
sleep did you even get babe
oh wait you must be in class
rn shit sorry
I'll see you around sung💗

seorin finally got out of bed, yawning. as she made her way to the restroom to freshen up, her mind replayed the incident from last night.

jisung had told her he loves her, sure they had said those words to eachother before but this time it hit seorin really hard. she was loved by the one she loved, the feeling made her feel so giddy and excited and she actually looked forward to go to campus and start her day, knowing she'll meet her lover.

she had gotten ready at around 8, which was perfect seeing as her first class was at half past eight. she skipped to the kitchen where she found yasuko making herself a smoothie

"good morning," seorin greeted and the elder raised a brow, eyeing her skeptically as she gave her response,
"morning. what's got you so excited?"

however seorin just remained quiet and opened the refrigerator. upon seeing the unfamiliar tupperware, she frowned and grabbed it
"yasuko, whats this?"

yasuko hummed before looking at the box in her hands and smirked, "your loverboy came over at like seven to drop off some breakfast for you. meihui was the one who received it, she has an extra class in the morning today, i think. its still so early im not well rested at all-"

yasuko kept talking about how early it was and how much she wanted to skip that day and spend her time in bed, but seorin only focused on one thing

jisung dropped off breakfast for her

she opened the tupperware and found a note and a sandwich which was terribly wrapped in aluminum foil, instead of plastic wrap.

she decided to sit down and read the note first. by then, yasuko had also stopped talking and was downing her drink.

the note was written on a bright pink sticky note in messy handwriting, signed at the bottom with jisung's cute signature which brought a smile to her face, seeing the little smiley he snuck in his sign.

"To My Seorin,
i had classes starting at 7 today and nobody else at the dorm was awake to help me with breakfast so it most probably tastes terrible. but i swear it's nutritious!! and breakfast is important so i just wanted to make sure you didn't miss out. i promise I'll make you something better sometime when i learn. im running late oh shit its like 6:55 now i need to gooo

i love you <3"

she chuckled at the letter and began to unwrap the sandwich, cringing at the choice of material used to wrap but at the same time she found it endearing how little the boy knew about the world. it just made her want to keep him safe even more.

she took a bite out of it and her eyes immediately pooled with tears. maybe it was because the sandwich was stuffed with mustard, or maybe it was the fact that someone had actually risked going to his lecture late because of her.

she felt warm and fuzzy inside and let her tears fall down, eating the sandwich so quick, she made it look like it was the best thing in the world (which, truthfully, it was not)

"YO ARE YOU CRYING? BAE WHY ARE YOU CRYING" yasuko panicked upon seeing the younger girl and quickly grabbed some tissues to wipe away her tears

"its just," seorin sniffed, "this sandwich sucks," she sobbed and the Japanese just sighed,
"bro don't eat it then, why're you crying-"

"because i love it!"

that day, all seorin could think about was jisung and his thoughtful act of dropping off breakfast even though he had gotten late.

she was waiting outside of the lecture hall of one of her favorite classes, computer aided design. she was sat next to a girl named yizhuo, or as her friends called her, ningning on the ground as they small talked to keep themselves busy

seorin went to high school with yizhuo and they were fairly close. but the chinese was a better friend to meihui due to, ofcourse, their nationality and the fact they both knew chinese. still, ningning kept a good bond with seorin too for which she was thankful

"how's frog?" ningning asked

a thing they both had in common was their 'unusual' love of 'weird' pets.

"oh he's been fine. i was thinking of getting him new hats or maybe some miniature furniture? he just looks so cute in them," seorin smiled, "what about ddongi?"

ningning sighed and shook her head, "he keeps staring at me like- damn i admit i committed crimes of stealing people's hearts but dude"
seorin only laughed at her friend and agreed when their professor arrived and all the students waiting followed him inside of the lecture hall, taking whichever seat they wanted behind a computer

their class started and mid-way, seorin felt her eyes starting to sting and head starting to hurt.
'ofcourse. this is what happens when you don't wear your glasses park seorin good job' she scolded herself in her mind, pulling out her glasses from her bag.

when the lecture ended after an hour, seorin stood up, eyes still stinging from exposure to the computer. she was surprised to see three familiar faces outside of her lectude hall once she got out and immediately ran into jisung's arms.

"hello to you too, seorin." donghyuck sarcastically said
"shut up dude let them be. they're so cute though, oh my god!!" heejin screeched and hit the boy next to her on his arm, causing him to over-react and hold his arm, exaggerating how bad it hurt

but to the couple, it was only them in their little world.
"you look really pretty with your glasses- not that you don't without them! you look really pretty with them too" jisung complimented in a hushed voice when they pulled away

"thank you, jisung. thank you for the sandwich too, it really sucked by the way but i loved it," she smiled at him and his reaction. he brought his hand up to the back of his neck and looked down in embarrassment, making a humming noise mixed with nervous laughter

"yeah, yasuko told us you cried because of how good it was," donghyuck joined in, "sorry i meant how bad it was but how touched you were"

"she did?!" seorin's eyes went wide in shock
"yeah she texted the groupchat a while ago, actually" heejin nodded and showed seorin the little conversation which made the younger groan

"I'm never crying in front of you guys again"

man i knew college was tough but to this extent? im gonna kms istg

I've been so busy guys my sleep sched is fucked but eh we ball🤸‍♀️


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