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"Damn, just a two day suspension? I thought I would have gotten more," Zuri chuckled, laying in the couch while holding up his letter of suspension.

(Y/n) said nothing as she played on her phone.  He brought down his hand and looked at her, "Aren't you gonna ask what happened?"

"I did but you didn't answer so why ask again?"

"That's because the security came."

"Well I'm waiting on your answer."

Zuri looked at (Y/n) bitterly. "Some guys were talking disgusting stuff about you."

"Ah...I see," Was her response.

Confused by her response, he spoke, "That's your reaction? Guys were sexualizing you."

"They always do. At this point I just ignore them. I don't let it disturb me in any way."

Zuri knew his friend barely showed emotions but being so unbothered in a situation like that was not good sign.

He rose out of the couch and sat next to her. Her eyes remained on her phone, not once giving him a glance. Slowly, his grey eyes trailed down to her lips. Would she push me away? Would she get flustered and embarrassed? Would she return it? "(Y/n)..."


He pulled her in, pressing his lips against hers. In this scene, both parties would experience butterflies fluttering within their stomachs. Cheeks getting warm, air getting hot.

But none of those happened.

He pulled away, hoping to see a flustered face but was instead greeted with emotionless eyes staring back at him.

"Why didn't you push me away?" He asked.

"Wasn't it to relief some stress? I don't mind." She looked down at the phone in her lap, continuing her game.

She was even unbothered after what he did. Zuri couldn't help but get furious. He took her phone, throwing it onto the other couch then grabbed her wrists, pinning her down. "So you're telling me you don't mind if a random person kissed you?"

"I would..." she muttered.

"Then why didn't you-"

"Because you're my friend since childhood? Why would I push you away?"

Zuri's expression changed into disbelief. He released her wrist and got up. "I'm going out."

"Ok," (Y/n) said unfazed, retrieving her phone from the couch to resume her game.


"What can I get for you, Sir?" The bartender asked.

"A margarita," Zuri replied, propping himself onto a bar stood. The bartender nodded then proceeded to make the drink; adding tequila, orange liqueur and lime juice into a cup before pouring it out into a margarita glass and slid the drink to Zuri. 

In return, Zuri slid a tip to the bartender which he took up and said a small 'thank you'.

A blonde haired guy sat on the stool next to Zuri. He ordered the same drink, sliding a tip to the bartender. He took a sip of his alcohol, glancing at Zuri who downed his drink.

"You look stressed," he said, placing his glass on the counter. "Relationship problems?"

Zuri huffed, massaging his temple. "It's not that."

"Hmm..." the blonde mumbled, smirking. He rested his chin in his palm, turning his face towards Zuri. "Need help to forget it?"

Zuri looked back at him. His arm reached out towards the blonde, grabbing him by his wrist and began dragging him out of the bar.

"Woah, calm down," the blonde spoke as Zuri slammed him into a wall, showering him with kisses.

"I can't wait," Zuri muttered against his neck, sucking and biting.

"We can– ah! We can continue this at my house ahh~" the blonde moaned. Zuri paused, "Let's do that then."


(Y/n) pushed her best friend's room door open only to be greeted by an empty bed.  There, she guessed that he probably had been out drinking. She closed back the door, heading towards the kitchen. Usually, she'd just grab a toast of bread and head out but today she felt for a cup of coffee.

Unfortunately, she didn't know how to make it. Zuri was the one in charge of all the things in the kitchen. She took up the coffee mug and looked at it. Guessing that water should be added to the coffee machine, she filled the mug with water and poured it into the reservoir. Next she took out the coffee. She uncovered it, adding 12 scoops of ground coffee to the filter. She then closed the lid, placing the mug back into its place and turned it on.

After it was ready she got out a cup and proceeded to take up the mug from the coffee maker. However her hand was oily from the egg she was trying to fry and the mug slipped from her fingers. The hot coffee splashed onto her hand and fell to the floor. Luckily she was still in her long pyjamas that protected her feet from also getting splashed.

She blanky looked down at the coffee spreading across the floor. The kitchen was always a cursed place for her. Suddenly the pain on her hand started to sting. She grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, pressing it against her hand. Few minutes passed but the pain didn't subsided. (Y/n) couldn't afford to waste anymore time so she got rid of the ice pack and went to clean the mess she made.


Swinging her bag over her shoulder, she was about to leave when Zuri stood in front of the door she opened. He stumbled towards her, wrapping his arm around her neck. Smelling the alcohol, she pushed her palm against his chest. "You reek of alcohol and I'm going to school. If you rub the smell onto me I'm really going to throw you out."

Zuri squeezed her tighter, "Just let me embrace you for a few seconds." His head perked up after getting a whiff of a burning scent.

"Is something burning?" He asked, pulling away.

"Don't worry about that, I turned off the stove."

"You turned on the stove?!" He exclaimed.

"I'm leaving now." (Y/n) quickly exited the house, leaving Zuri stunned. He ran to the kitchen and was greeted by a burnt up frying pan.

My Gay Boy Bestfriend [Yandere Male X FemReader]Where stories live. Discover now